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literal cancer

my grandpa died of fortnite last year

by Ali_Ninja69 September 8, 2019


A dumb ass game played by boys, who have no life’s and no girl. Because they pay attention to the game then their girl. And they most there #1 victory’s on snapchat, which no one gives a fuck

I’ma post my number #1 from fortnite onto snapchat

by Wishdncb March 19, 2018


A game that mindless idiots spend all their life playing then they won't stop fucking stop blabbing about it.

Fortnite is fucking stupid.

by super_me February 12, 2019



My dad died of Fortnite

by nuthomo October 29, 2018


A game that makes 5 year old(and teens) steal their mothers credit cards just to buy fucking fortnite skins. Its cancer at its finest. Its a waste of time and energy just to play that fucking stupid ass game. Its completely toxic just because you get one kill on me that doesn't make you a fucking legend at the game.

Tom: Rick, did you see my post on snap about my 20 wins in fortnite?

Rick: Tom, I gotta tell you something........NO ONE FUCKING CARES about your STUPID ASS 20 wins. You can just DIE in a hole and remain being a virgin. Stupid quab.

by Pyramid titties April 11, 2019


The most shit game ever...Like fr it's not THAT fun but nobody at school will shut the fuck up about

insert name: whats your favorite game?
insert name: oh! fortnite is my favorite game
insert name: um ok

by randomskullontheground June 2, 2021


A game that really wasn’t that bad

Cory:Bruh fortnite wasn’t bad the fanbase made it cringe
Frank: yeah I agree

by Professional standards July 6, 2021

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