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cool at first but get worse the closer you get.

uses slurs like it's nothing.
very offensive.
bad friend.
never lets things go.
takes shit too far.

friend: you're being dramatic, chill
frankie: says you, you're the one being dramatic, shut up. you're so irritating.

by smelly doo doo man March 1, 2022


A person who looks like Bob the tomato

My boy Frankie looks likeBob the Tomato

by Da_1_Wh0_Kn0cks June 8, 2024


Frankie's don't get rights

That Frankie doesn't have rights

by Frankiesdontgetrights September 16, 2020


An handsome man with unusually massive boat feet. Often mistaken for thunder, his foot chases can be heard for miles around, racking an impressive 9 on the richter scale.

A Frankie bares a remarkable resemblance to Nigel from the Wild Thornberry's and has a stare as impenetrable as his magnificent beak.

Person one 'Can you feel that'

Person Two 'Change to West, Frankie's got something'

by YoHowULikeMeNow April 16, 2022


Short for Bob the Frank.

A chump, simp or any guy that gets stepped over

Yo you being a Frankie dawg!!

She knows you're a Frankie that's why she plays with you

by Muu10 June 6, 2023


A snitch; traitor. Also known for someone who will drag down due to one's own self destruction

Don't be a Frankie, he's such a Frankie

by Iammeareyouyou January 23, 2023


Usually a man that sits at home all day games out and smokes hella ciggs. Smells like dog farts and a bag of sweaty smashed assholes.

Frankie: Hey Martha, do you wanna come over chain smoke ciggs and game out?
Martha: No, frankie you smell like shit. Fuck you!

by Sucks to suckk December 7, 2016