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Paid in Full

Classic Eric B and Rakim song, from their 1986 debut album of the same name. Includes the legendary Paid in Full, Move the Crowd, and My Melody.

Thinkin' of a master plan, cause ain't nothin but sweat inside my hand, so I dig into my pocket all my money is spent so I dig deeper, but still comin' up with lint, so I start my mission leave my residence, thinkin' how could i get some dead presidents

by oldschool April 1, 2004

85๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

Full Bhuna

Absolutley everything,
nothing left out

"gees a pizza mate" wit dae I want oon it......full bhuna big man, stick wit ye kin oon it

by Bob Forrest July 22, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Full Rotation

Verb: 1. An extension of the Spit Roast. After man 1 and 2 have penetrated the female participant and given each other a high five they then proceed to pick her up (while still engaged in intercourse) and spin her a full 360 degrees. A very difficult manuver.

2. A hand gesture made by raising the pinky and thumb and rotating the shoulder, thus symbolising the act of a "Full Rotation". Often said with a mock Spanish accent.

EbonP: I heard Franky and Lacrox gave a Full Rotation to isk8er last night?
Noa: Nice.
Conan: I wouldn't mind a "Full Rotation" with Foxin right about now.

by Bean-Bandit December 27, 2005

18๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

full sail

The best college in the world to get an education in the entertainment industry , however seeing quality pussy on campus is about as rare as seeing a bald eagle. 1am classes are nothing out of the ordinary and the full sail diet consists of redbull and cigarettes. Fortunatly ucf and rollins are only minutes away where there are plenty of normal people to hang out with, just dont tell em you go to full sail.

full sail has givin many people a great education without the college experience.

by J Mills April 5, 2006

209๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž

Full as a tick

The state of eating so much that you are literally as full as a tick that has just gorged itself on dog blood.

I knew I shouldn't have gone for round 5 at the buffet... I AM FULL AS A TICK!

I would love to make hot jungle love to you baby... but that dinner has me Full as a tick.

by Kashtro December 14, 2005

42๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

full send

just do it bitch cause life is short. like we donโ€™t have time to think about what we r gonna do cause then itโ€™s gonna be to late. if u know itโ€™s gonna be a good thing fuck the rest of it and have fun cause thatโ€™s what we r here for.

โ€œthat guy is so hot ahhhโ€ girl 1
โ€œgo up to him and kiss himโ€ girl 2
โ€œwhat the fuck noโ€ girl 1
โ€œfull send hoe u only live onceโ€ girl 2

by cait man August 28, 2018

77๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

full male

A play on words used to describe the female to male ratio at the popular technical collage Full Sail (Real World Education). The reason being that the ratio is so low that it is pratically all Male.

Jane Doe: Hey John do you go to Full Sail?
John Doe: Yea I go to Full Male =(.

by Matthew Gilbertson September 20, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž