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Garbage Time

Time begrudgingly spent with another party(often significant other) running errands or other activities in which no benefit or pleasure is gained by you, and the only benefit enjoyed by the offending party is the pleasure of your company.

Your girl asked you to go with her while she got her oil changed? Bra, that's total Garbage Time, pretty soon you'll be serving hors d' oeuvres at her best friends baby shower!

by mckwistonator May 9, 2011

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garbage human

Specifically, this nigger right here: youtube/user/SargonofAkkad100

In general, a person who criticises crazy narratives using logic, facts and contextual video evidence.

"You're a garbage human, Sargon." - St. Anita of Sarkeesian, Vidcon 2017

by Izzy_M June 29, 2017

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garbage plate

A disgusting dish popular to upstaters that consists largely of cholesterol and cheese covered heart attack.

My doctor advised me to stop eating garbage plates when I began to bleed butter.

by aqueoustrans January 3, 2005

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hot garbage

1.) trash thats been in the sun so long smells like 86 year old vagina

2.) a girl that looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet

....now thats some HOT garbage!!

by D to the J April 28, 2005

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garbage list

A list created by several people who will remain unnamed for certain reasons. Is basically a list of everything and everyone that is lame. Currently has around 230 things on it.

Abercrombie and Fitch, Mike Tyson, XBOX, and Frankie Muniz are all on the garbage list.

by Thadius Ephriam July 23, 2004

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Garbage Sex

A general term for sex with someone that is trashy or dirty. It is best to use a garbage bag as a barrier in these cases.

Get the garbage bags out, I'm going to the bar tonight to find me some easy garbage sex.

by EmperorOfTheWorld October 24, 2012

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Garbage Strike

This is where a person goes on a sexual drought.
It is a sexual metaphor describing a period of time where your garbage is not picked up weekly like it is supposed to be due to the striking garbage men.

Nobody likes it when the garbage men go on strike. Nobody.

by Griz December 14, 2004

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