Source Code

Gator Bait

Noun Indecent photos of minor aged subjects, typically shared in a digital format.

Guy #1: You hear that Jalen Kitna got arrested?
Guy #2: Heavens, no! What for?
Guy #1: The cops raided his house and found Gator Bait on his computer!
Guy #2: Typical.

by HoseRUs April 29, 2023

Sloan Gators

Certified retailer of 4 wheel tractor trailers but with an associated cult of fanatic members. Members are alumni of SUNY Westbrook University and call themselves "Sloaners". Sloan Gators was founded in 1979.

Sloan Gators is more than a company its a lifestyle. -Buddha
Sloan Gators is 300 bang bang -Chief Keef

by Leather man liebo August 23, 2021

gator ride

Code for gay to ride

He's totally a gator ride

by Big daddy gape butt July 18, 2017

Gator Pimp

A Gator Pimp is a Pimp's who's Stable primarily consists of nothing but Swamp Hoe's.

The Gator Pimp bitch slapped the Swamp Hoe and demanded his 95% cut.

by dirtyd45678 July 31, 2016

Gator Pimp

A Pimp who's Stable is predominantly comprised of Swamp Hoe's.

The old school Gator Pimp Bitched Slapped his Swamp Hoe until she coughed up his 95% cut.

by dirtyd45678 February 20, 2016

Face Gator

A common phrase used throughout the state of Florida. If a person's face is “gator”, he/she is a well respected, well-known, protected person in the hood or multiple hoods. This kind of person is able to move how they want and do pretty much whatever in the hood.

Homeboy 1: “I never go to the west side, I don’t feel safe over there”

Homeboy 2: “My face gator on that side, you good with me”

by GFKay June 7, 2024

5👍 1👎

Gator Roll

When your doing a woman doggy style and then proceed to roll over and slide under her into a missionary style position all while staying inside of her

Last night I gave her the old Gator Roll

by TheJestersRose August 3, 2022