When you trap a bunch of gits into an empty pool, then throw lettuce, cucumbers, and other salad necessities on to the patrons.
I would make a git salad out of that kid, tomatoes and all.
When trying to manage source control in such a bewildering state that attempting to do anything becomes a complicated game where the out come is ether a successful code commit or losing all of your changes.
Why is Tom still here and cursing at his computer?
He forgot to stash on a detached head and now he's trying to play git jenga to get his commits on his branch.
(pronounced with a hard G)
An person who has a highly irritating effect on others, usually because of the fidgety way they move, but in extreme cases their presence alone causes discomfort.
I couldn't concentrate because that git-rabbit dave was there.
I'm going to go sit with them and be a real git-rabbit.
Go away, don't be such a git-rabbit.
The alternative to get some, in other words. OWNED.
1: <Player1 collaterals two people with one sniper bullet in one shot> Player1: WUT GIT SON!
2: Man1 walks up to Man2, and kicks him with uneccessary force straight in his nuts, he then proceeds to yell: "WUT GIT SON, GET BENT (see get bent)."
Blaming someone for the bad code that they wrote on github.
he git-blame {d} me for that code
In Florida It’s used to identify a young black kid that tries to hardTo prove to everybody that they’re hard or gangster or Legit but all they do is act like an idiot or a fool and punk and everybody can see right through there farce and truly ain’t about shit
See LIL dude hanging out at the store every day man he’s nothing but a little GIT