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Sixth Grade Boy

A bitchy ass boy who plays sports and dresses like a FHUCKING HIGHLIGHTER AND THINKS CALLING PEOPLE “retarded” and “autistic” is a good roast.

that sixth grade boy that looks like a highlighter just called that girl “autistic”.

by Daboizzz September 8, 2019

9👍 1👎

8th grade boy

A male that's 13 or 14 years old (in some cases 15) in the 8th grade. Very immature, ignorant, and a complete showoff. Does retarded stuff like buying snacks at a Football game only to throw them at others. Some are mature, but most of them are immature jackasses. Worse than 6th grade girls. The girls behave A LOT better than the guys in 8th grade.

Tommy (Immature 8th grade boy): Haha are you a brony Hubert?
Hubert (Mature 8th grade boy, brony): Yeah... why?
Tommy: HAHA FAG!!!
Hubert: I am not a fag
Tommy: Yes you are let me see a picture of a pony so I can kill it!

by Derpy12 February 7, 2013

36👍 11👎

Nooby Grade Sevens

A title for use to describe kids of a lower grade in school, once you reach grade 8. Used to show disgust for a lower grade's lack of wisdom, intelligence, maturity, and/or physical fitness. It can also be used outside of education-based scenarios.

Gr.8 #1: The new grade sevens think they know everything.
Gr .8 #2: What nooby gr.7s.

Ex. #2:
Gr.12 #1: Those grade 9s think they are so mature, they don't even have jobs yet.
Gr.12 #2: They're just a bunch of nooby grade sevens like in middle school.

Ex. #3:
Man #1: Dude, that guy just made a right turn and hit the curb. Now the front-right wheel just fell off!
Man #2: Eh, what a nooby grade seven.

by EnragedHavoc August 19, 2011

7th grade thot

Typical school bicycle with a noticeable ass but only noticeable because they wear tight clothing. They're the type of girl you either love or hate. they usually date all the athletic boys in her grade and uses and plays with the boys above her grade, gossip 24/7, probably lives with only their alcoholic mother, only wear skinny ass jeans or short shorts, a compete dick to the people who slightly insult her, would probably suck dick for takis, and lets their boyfriend that they've broken up with several time yet still somehow get back together hold their hand or put their arm around their shoulder

"oh shit, it's ana and hector! it looks like they're back together again"
"god, ana is such a typical ass 7th grade thot. look at that clothing! no wonder all the boys simp for her"

by bluepillorwowewowewoah March 8, 2022

sixth grade syndrome

when boys over the age of 13 only wear under armour sports perfomance t shirts, basket ball tshirts, and knock off yeezys. careful guys, its easy to contract this disease

Susan, you should never date a guy with sixth grade syndrome.
Nicholas Peter, you're 63 years old, stop dressing like your grand son!!!

Sean: "the under armour outlet mall has a huge sale going on! wanna go?"
Ben: "no because im not nerda af, and i dont suffer from sixth grade syndrome"

by frat boi September 27, 2017

standards based grading

fuckin stupid

Hey, you know what's fucking stupid? Standards based grading.

by quacker1234 March 25, 2015

weapons grade cunt

(Adj) An individual who is either disreputable or displays extreme reprehensible behaviour. Or both.

Yes, I agree... Lewis Hamilton is a Weapons Grade Cunt.

by Lenston January 4, 2018