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A retard who thinks he’s good at basketball beacause he’s on the team.fuck u bitch ass harley

If you ever see a guy named Harley smack him till he turns pale

by Lol XD what a bot May 7, 2019


Blonde girl, respectful and good mannered personlaity

Harley, well she loves unconditionally

by Happy Christian April 11, 2023


A menace to society who isn’t afraid to express himself even if it means getting kicked out of shops and getting the police called on him. Harley is an adventurous spirit who finds creative ways to disturb the public yet is afraid to order from maccies.

That guy is such a Harley”

by ffelixx September 17, 2023


Biger dicc Then Axel

Eyy you have harley

by Boii56 January 25, 2018


my absolute best friend <3

girl 1- who’s harley?
girl 2- my best friend ofc!!

by sydddddddyolo October 12, 2021


Harley is a good friend. For about 7 months then she will ditch you for a new shiny friend.

“Omg hey that’s ur bes

“Omg hey that’s ur best friend Harley” “no it’s not she ditched me for some random girl” “oh she sounds like a shitty friend” “yep”

by Gabbyymiko June 28, 2023


she’s a real crackhead. she’s lowkey a hoe but she never had dated anyone so take that as you will. i mean great friend and all but she’s a little wack. she also writes really weird fanfiction about her close friends. if you don’t think she’s wrote one ab you she definitely has.

me: omg harley is such a crackhead

you: omg ew ik

by urmomisthebiggay November 3, 2019