Source Code

Tabor's Law

The corollary to Poe's Law. Poe's Law is invoked when a parody of fundamentalism is believable enough that it is taken as a legitimate example. Tabor's Law is invoked when bona fide fundamentalism is so outrageous that it is taken as parody.

I think Answers in Genesis is hilarious. For the longest time, I thought it was a parody site. That's Tabor's Law in action.

by BibleBeliever3000 April 18, 2012

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Kodak's law

When you most need a camera, you will inevitably not have one.

by Mark March 25, 2003

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Ugols law

Ugols law: For any given kink, either nobody does it or more than one person does it.

John: S***! im the only person who likes (Insert strange fetish HERE). Michael: No John. Depending on Ugols law, your not the only one.

by Tomkitty February 23, 2010

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Okafor's law

This statement applies to guys mostly. If you have been involved in a relationship with a girl for over a period of time and you did a great job, in and out of the bedroom(mostly in), the belief is that you can always go to the girl at any given time and sleep with the girl no matter what situation arises (break ups, different lovers etc)

After years of dating earlier , Gilbert used the "Okafor's law" to restart a sexual relationship with Wendy

by ThebadExample March 12, 2014

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katie laws

the most beautiful person ever created.
the person who i love.
gods gift to earth.

I wish my girlfriend looked like katie laws.

by das monkey butt November 8, 2009

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Jerell's Law

Jerell's Law states that any claim made by Jerell is over-exaggerated; thus, upon hearing said claims, one must divide everything he says by two, but if it's really extreme, divide it by three.

Jerell: Duuuude, I got my nollie laser flips on lock; I can do them 9 out of 10 times!

Alex: Jerell's Law? I'm pretty sure that means you can do it only three times out of ten.

by BPC MHS July 1, 2010

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The Kickbush Law

the law states that if you have 5 dollars and Kickbush has 5 dollars, then Kickbush has more money.

Kickbush is just better than you. End of story. You owe me a dollar. (The Kickbush Law)

by turkish dix January 23, 2008

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