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Mega Person

When one puts their head into their partners vagina, then, stands up and wears the person like Joey wore the turkey in Friends.

Kyle put his head in some Iranian girls vag and his mom walked in and surprised him, he stood up real quick and he was a Mega Person.

by Slafe March 9, 2010

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Normal Person

Someone that doesn’t go on fricking Urban Dictionary to look up definitions. I believe a dude named Mariam or something wrote a book on that.

A normal person would use the google definition for the word and be done at that.

by NoCookies March 20, 2022

23πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

October Person

also known as October People and Octards...
The strangest people who come out of the woodwork and show up in your life or call on the phone asking the most retarded questions, these are people that you might see late night at a Walmart, but not out in the course of ordinary business or during regular day to day circumstances. They are affected by full moons and 20 degree shifts in the weather. If it's 50 degrees out and the temperature suddenly drops down to 30 degrees the next day. Be assured, an October person will enter your life and you will be shaking your head as how can such a person find the doorknob to get out of the house let alone enter your course of day to day business. The reason October Person was coined was because this phenomenon was noticed during the month of October when the weather begins to shift more radically from warm to cold. Also, strange and/or bad events seem to coincide with the temperature shifts, such as plane crashes, auto accidents, computers failing, hurricanes, people going on rampages with guns, etc. There seems to be a scientific reason behind this, the barometric pressure changes when the weather shifts and this affects people who are already slightly off mentally.

Everything was going great at the store I work at yesterday, the temperature dropped 20 degrees and all of a sudden an October Person came out and asked the dumbest questions.
Really put me in a bad mood.

by direct007 December 20, 2010

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bigger person

A bullshit expression used to shame victims into not sticking up for themselves because this will somehow make you as bad, or worse, than the person treating you badly.

See also "Turn the other cheek".

EMPLOYEE: "My line manager is calling me names, publicly humiliating me and gossiping about me behind my back. I've asked her not to but she won't stop. I want to make a complaint."
BIG BOSS: "Oh she's not so bad really! Just try not to annoy her, and be the bigger person."

by LeytonCatLady April 16, 2019

61πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Yummy Person

A yummy person is:

1.Someone who is attractive,delicious or someone who has a delictable personality

2.If this person was a food would you eat them?If so this word applies to them


Girl A:Look at him he is so awesome and hot!

Girl B:He is such a yummy person!!

by Rats_Live_On_No_Evil_Star July 2, 2009

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outdoor person

Someone who love going out to places. Hangs out with friends and does not want to stay inside the house the whole time

That girl must be an outdoor person because she looks good in shape

by Bmxgirl206 January 26, 2016

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personality catfish

Someone who pretends to be nice and funny as and is actually boring and horrible in life , worse than catfishs

" hey I promise I'm an nice guy"
2 days later: "he was mean to me"
"Ugh, what a personality catfish"

by Caitlin&Bekah February 1, 2017

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