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A term used for Crystal meth. Originated in N. Carolina by a girl who’s initials are S.R.

We gotta get some Jank, that’s fendi

by Hoytsrompah September 9, 2020


A cock/Penis

“That guy has a tiny JANK” “She wipped out my JANK”

by I<3JanksXOXO April 12, 2023


a wierd person that is a terminally online and nobody can figure out who he is

who tf is Jank

by Jank28 March 13, 2022


dumb, disgusting, stupid, ratchet, or awful, the bad version of dank, lame.

that is one jank ass bitch

by motherjanker December 9, 2018


a word only caroline can use. trademark it hoe

This is jank,” said Caroline

by sydneyjqkak November 8, 2019


Jank means, shit, useless, superfluous or crap.

This car is Jank, it 's broken down again!

by Rikstir May 24, 2017


To make fun of in a mean spirited way. Used in the Gulf coast tri-state Region of Alabama/Mississippi/Florida.

I'm finna Jank yo lil head, fat nose, no neck, Rough skin ass.

by Bama-Bay June 21, 2019