7'5, tall, wears glasses, has black hair, ass at valorant, amazing zoo owner.
When one is defeated by the desert wind and a doobie falls apart.
Also applicable to any joint failure, anywhere in the world.
‘Ahhh man, I just rolled a Jasper. And the shit just fell apart before I even took a drag’
‘Don’t let him roll it, he’ll make a Jasper’
Wow if this relationship ends horribly the definition for Jasper and Colt will be up forever.
Campus hearthrob but faithful when he is inlove. He will never let you down. Never cheat and always makes you feel like a queen. God centered relationship is what he like.
Naughty yet knows how to respect women. Loves his family very much but tend to be ignored.
Jasper michael is such a good guy!
This is the a hell hole everyone is mean and will chew you and spit you out like a drug and people talk ab everyone at least 2 people got nudes and everyone has seen em and everyone got someone twerk video lmaooo cryin but come to our school the teachers are ok and they don’t know ab this!!😭😁
Girl:🥺🥺🥺 someone’s got my nudes..!!
Girl 2;You must go to Jasper County Middle School!😂😂😂
A bad motherfucker, the baddest motherfucker in all of the land. He is also referred to the baddest jit of all fucking time. Legend. Raleigh forever.
“Jasper Murphy is a fucking beast”