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Tyler Josephing

The act of pulling headwear over to cover your face, not to be confused with josh dunning.

Oh, he's kinda shy so you might see him Tyler Josephing

by Bartimaeus February 11, 2017

The Joseph Effect

Joseph Effect - a phenomenon that makes us question even the skill of ourselves. In February 2022, the famed New York Times crossword puzzle made it the theme, and defined it as, "a hex that enables terrible teammates of Joseph's recyclable plastic elo, to que up in your match, while allowing enemies of your higher silver-gold elo to connect as well, creating an unbalanced game that makes you question your capabilities as a player"

Man, we got shit on this game, I think I might be getting worse...
Nah bro it's just the Joseph Effect.

by Lingulini February 14, 2022

Joseph Joestar

The sexiest JoJo

Oh my god Joseph Joestar is so hot!

by nemvicces May 7, 2021

joseph hawkins

joseph hawkins is the nigga from the popular nigga twerk video

guy 1: dude have you heard of joseph hawkins lately?
guy 2: no he was arrested because he had info that would impeach trump

by MOSQUE SHOOTER February 29, 2020

Joseph Quinn

Joseph Quinn, is probably one of the sweetest men on the planet. His acting is phenomenal. He is so pure and gentle with his fans, he genuinely deserves the world <3

Person 1: "Have you seen this show called Timewasters?"
Person 2: "No I haven't."
Person 1: "I definitely recommend, it's starring Joseph Quinn as Ralph !"

by urmomslefttesticle July 15, 2022

22๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tyler Joseph

The most amazing singer of all time. NO ONE CAN COMPARE. HAs a Fren named josh dun


by Unicornpoops February 4, 2019

18๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Joseph Stalin

He killed half of the population so that his country could flourish. He was the original Thanos. He was better though since he didn't need an infinity gauntlet just thousands of labor camps.

Dude, Joseph Stalin is Dank

by xxSumeonexx January 18, 2019

224๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž