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Usually quite grumpy if away from there phone for too long


by Isitonuremom July 22, 2020

3👍 3👎


A karen; a person who can die in a hole who always calls my manager >:(


by hshhahahhajHAsjagjgsj August 29, 2020

3👍 5👎


•Karen is white middle aged women

•has a broken marriage

•has a son who plays football
•doesn’t vaccinate their kids

•wants to speak to the manager

•loves minions

•has a short bowl haircut

•uses Facebook

Karen: « I want to speak to the manager »
Karen: « Vaccines are bad, I use essential oils instead! »
Karen: « Do you know my husband? »

by Lunzella July 26, 2019

2👍 6👎


A divorced middle age mom that think they’re atomically the boss

Karen: There was no ketchup in my kids happy I want a refund

Employee: oh sorry ma’am, let me get some in the back
Karen: no I want to talk to the manager

by Djhall December 16, 2019

3👍 3👎


MILF annoying boomer , mother of 3 demon spawn brats , drives a volvo, may i speak to your manager haircut, antivaxx parent who wonders why her children are dying of measles.

Currently speaking to your manager

Joel - Did you see that Karen?
Yoesph - No
Joel - She's insane!

by KoriTheGlaceon December 28, 2019

2👍 4👎


usually a middle aged, blonde haired women with bob hair cut. Who makes drama everywhere and feels entitled, and thinks she more deserving then everyone else, they also have a big "no video policy" so that them being dumb doesn't go on the internet for people to make fun of. This also shows that they know their being dumb.

Karen: *Not wearing mask*.
Manager: Umm, you have to put it on because of safety protocols.
Karen: I have a medical condition!
Manager: I'm calling the cops then.

by AQUALIME April 15, 2021

2👍 6👎


Your old boss with no experience in your field who gets hammered drunk at lunch and then wants to “speak to you for a sec.” Usually spotted by her irrationally highlighted a symmetrical hair cut that no straight man would ever want to sleep with.

So Karen wants to chat after lunch. I’m just gonna go home now. Can someone call hbo and tell them “something is wrong with aunt KAren

by Ashlieburke April 8, 2020

3👍 4👎