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Kool Aid Guy

The Kool Aid guy comes bursting through someone's house without warning, breaking their wall and screaming, "OH YEAH!!!". I remember when he did that he walked up to the kids and yelled, "OH YEAH!!!" and they would look all happy and walking up to them and I would be screaming, "AAAAHHHH!!!!! GET AWAY FROM HIM YOU STUPID KIDS!!! HE'S GOING TO GET YOU!!". Then they drank right out of him. Thats right, they drank his dirty bloody plaster filled juice while he was yelling, "OH YEAH!!!". Shouldn't they be more concerned with what their parents will do to them when they find out there is a huge hole on the side of their house? I don't think their parents are going to believe a dancing jug of fruit punch screaming, "OH YEAH!!!" crashed through the house and made that hole.

Kid: It's so boring here, nothing ever happenens
*Kool Aid Guy comes crashing through wall*
Kool Aid Guy: OH YEAH!!!
Kid:o_O *drinks dirty bloody Kool Aid*

by ramunematt January 6, 2007

36πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

kool aid pickle

A term created by "NLE choppa" that means, very sloppy or "tasty".

Bitch suck a dick like a "kool aid pickle".
Damn homie your sister said my dick taste like a "kool aid pickle"

by Poppyxtempt February 23, 2019

31πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Kool Moe Dee

An exclamation used to signify that a person has done something extraordinary.

Jack: I jut got an 'A' on my math test.
John: Kool Moe Dee!

Jill: I just won $100 on this scratch-off ticket!
Ben: Kool Moe Dee!

by Brad Eimer January 10, 2008

27πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Kool Aid Drinker

Derived from the 60's drug culture when hippies would drop acid in their Kool Aid. A Liberal who is delusional in their beliefs.

If you believe the Federal government blew-up the World Trade Center, you're a Kool Aid Drinker. "We won't be truly free until all drugs are legal."

by Quandar June 17, 2006

309πŸ‘ 271πŸ‘Ž

Kool-aid Kush

The best weed comin' outta Hustisford, Wisconsin. Its 3x stronger than purple kush. One hit will put your dick in the dirt. The downside of it is its $140 per eighth, but its worth the price

I had to hits of Kool-aid Kush last nite and my buddy started to glow in the dark

by davidcrazyman June 17, 2010

21πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

The kool kid group

A group of people that aren’t really cool or popular that consist of 3 people Arthur,Tobias and Ethan

Yo look it’s the kool kid group

by Cheeto bot 123 December 7, 2019

Kool-aid facial

When you drink so much kool-aid your nut is red and tastes like kool-aid.

Dude I went on an all kool-aid diet and treated my girl to a kool-aid facial.

by M4L_blade November 4, 2016