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irish language

Irish language is a pointless language to learn it is never used and a wats of time

I don't know why we learnt this Irish language we never use it pointless

by Top prod 1690 ftp March 1, 2017

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Super Secret Gayer Language

β€œThe Super Secret Gayer Language” is a language made by Ray Avellaka and Max that can only be learned if you meet the goddesses themselves.

I met the goddesses that made the Super Secret Gayer Language

by SuperSecretGayerLanguagegods April 6, 2022

world language middle school

Not many people now about this school but is located in gainesville ga . It is the school that people like Garrett W, Aiden B, Rafita M, Jaylne A, Jack W, Victor G, Fernando V, Arithzi V, Zara H,Evany T, Alex H, Salone H, and Kirby W have all gone/go too but some of these names you probably don't know but some that you probaly do know is:
Garrett W 10
Alex H 9
Victor G, Aiden A, Zara H 8
Rafita M , Jaylne A, Arithzi V 7
Jack W , Evany T

Kid "Have you heard about world language middle school "
Me "No"
Kid "Its where Aiden, Zara, and Rafita go too"

by Nobodycaresabme:( August 19, 2019

ap english language and composition

"Understand the interactions among a writer’s purpose, audience, subject, and genre and how each of these contributes to effective writing. Enhance your own writing skills and understand better each stage of the writing process as you develop expository, analytical, and argumentative compositions." -From the College Board

3 words: ethos, logos, and pathos

Ap english language and composition sucks the sleep and energy out of you

by RedUrbanGuy October 22, 2017

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P.S.L. (Prehistoric Sammer Language)

Language used to interact with pupper dogs since 1992.

"He's just a doooog"

-P.S.L. (Prehistoric Sammer Language)

by Pupper Sam January 15, 2009

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Body language cues

Body language that means something specific.

Hym "Hey.... Want to know a secret?"

Iam "Yeah, sure."

Hym " Not you idiot! The viewers at home!"

Iam "Oh.."

Hym "You ever see a guy do one of these πŸ‘ˆ (without making physical contact) across the small of you girlfriend or wife's back as he walks past her? Do you know what it means? What about you Iam? Do you know?"

Iam "...I don't want to say..."

Hym "It means that the guy fucked your wife! Hahahahaha! Fucked her real good! And I'm not even joking! That's actually what it means! Guaranteed! 100% of the time."

Iam "You don't know anything about body language cues...."

Hym "But am I wrong?"

Iam "......"

Hym "That's what I thought! As a matter of fact, I will bet literally anyone 1 million dollars that is you have seen someone do that ☝️ to your wife or girlfriend then that guy has done this πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ˆπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ˆ to your wife! Hahahahaha! 100% accuracy!"

by Hym Iam April 15, 2022

1πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Super Secret Gayer Language

β€œThe Super Secret Gayer Language” is a language made by Ray Avellaka and Max that can only be learned if you meet the goddesses themselves.

I met the goddesses that made the Super Secret Gayer Language

by SuperSecretGayerLanguagegods April 6, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž