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Muddy Larry

A man that does not wash his dick after anal sex. Also know as having poop dick.

Rusty is such a Muddy Larry, he never washes after anal sex.

by GoodGirlGinger August 22, 2015

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taking a Larry

While driving in the HOV lane on the expressway, peeing into a cup. Most typically occurs when driving at full speed, so pissing tends to be sporadic, as the driver needs to constantly look up to drive.

Person 1: "Dude! Did you see that guy in the car behind us?"
Person 2: "No, why?"
Person 1: "He was taking a Larry!"

by GrooveAssassin7 July 12, 2010

28๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

anti larry

antis are people who donโ€™t know what closeting is! they believe that two men arenโ€™t together when theyโ€™re are multiple pictures of louis tomlinson and harry styles (larry) holding hands BUT they would say โ€œomg holivia is so realโ€ when a picture of harry styles and olivia wilde came out holding hands! basically putting the womanizer lable on harry!

person : are you a anti or larry?

anti larry: iโ€™m a anti.

person: so youโ€™re against a mlm relationship?

anti larry: bro louis and harry said they arenโ€™t together

person: wow, you really donโ€™t know what closeting is do you? obviously they have to say that because the industry is literally homophobic.

by coolerthenyou September 4, 2021

20๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Larry Stylinson

"I never actually been asked directly and it's a funny thing i mean what people can... people can believe what they want to believe but i just think it comes across sometimes a little bit..a little bit disrespectful to the ones that i love you know our Eleanor and sometimes it comes across a bit disrespectful and it's like anything i mean like you could genuinely if you google conspiracy on iPhones right..you're going to get a conspiracy so i think it's one of these things that people just love to buy into but realize in reality obviously there's no truth to it oBViOusLy"

Person: do you ship larry stylinson?
Me: no,even louis denied...;)

by familyshow August 4, 2020

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buff larry

stong person who atrracts the female gender.

Someone who no one wants to fuck with.

Man Buff Larry got all the ladies.

Buff Larry Beat The Shit Outta Him!

by Larry February 27, 2005

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

larry brown

The reason Team USA sucked ass in the 2004 olympics.

The reason the Pistons won in 2004, yet the reason they slipped and lost the 2005 finals against the Spurs, and the reason they dumped him for Flip Saunders who was just as bad.

The reason the Knicks sucked ass in the 2005-06 season.

I'm glad Larry Brown's ass got fired.

by No I"M Elton brand's ho. August 6, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Larry AK

a chatch or "brofag"
someone who tries to act like a hard ass when they really aren't.

why does that kid have to be such a "Larry AK" all the time, walkin' big n bad like he is gonna do somethin, when really all he will do is poke you on facebook.

by lulbagz614 July 24, 2011

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