A word Alexis uses which could mean 20 mins or 6 hours
Person 1: “Alexis said he’s is going to play with us later”
Person 2: “We might as well not even play then”
30 minutes or more cant say 15 mnts like a retard
Im going to the gym later. Like in a hour
Weed that falls onto your tray when your loading a bowl or weed that is found when cleaning out the grinder and can be put back into the grinder to smoke later.
Let me clean out my grinder, I may have later-weed.
When you order an extra burrito from Taco Bell to microwave later.
I got 2 later burritos this time.
When somebody puts their owns looks, intelligence, talent, situation, etc down while someone else close to them has it worse than them. Can also be called diagonal deprecation. For example, if a person says “I’m so stupid” with a 4.0 GPA, it’s kinda rude when your friend has a 3.7.
Tom: “God I’m such an idiot. A 97 in math.”
Fred: “I got an 87.” :(
Fred’s head: “Does he know about lateral deprecation?”
Teen Slang that tik tok user @JustDede created on complete accident. Starting an amazing phrase among the tik tok community. Much respect.
“Hey man I got to get going” “Alright it was good seeing you, edge you later” “Yessir edge you later indeed.”
a variation of goodbye. The expression "hoagie" is slang for a good friend. Therefore "hoagie" should only be used in this context if you are talking to someone that you are really close to.
Eduardo:"Maybe if I keep saying 'later hoagie,' it will stick."
Me: ok...