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German lunch

While eating lunch at work,home,etc. While your eating partner gets up to get a beverage,etc. Quickly jerk off and jizz into their sandwich, if pulled off corectly they should eat the jizz sandwich without knoticing

taylor substituted johns lunch with the new improved german lunch while john was gone to the shiter.

by nick benda August 19, 2007

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A boxers lunch

A variation of knuckle sandwich.

Keep it up and you'll be eating a boxers lunch.

by pawntakesknightoff March 9, 2008

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lunch buddy

a person you go to lunch with regularly, to pass the time in the chow line.

"hey yo wilson! you gonna be my lunch buddy?
the stennis chow lines are long as fuck."

"hey yo wilson! you gonna be my lunch buddy?
the stennis chow lines are long as fuck."

by jloveyy August 7, 2014

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lunch break

a break from intercourse for a little oral action. (Never after the load has been blown, that's just gross)

Man I was railing that girl for a good hour, had to stop for a little lunch break to get my energy back.

by SpitOnMyDIK May 17, 2015

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executive lunch

Ex.ec.u.tive. Lun.ch

An executive lunch stems from the "three martini lunch" in which business professionals would drink three martinis in a leisurely fashion.

The executive lunch is when a business professional smokes marijuana during his lunch break, thus mimicking the "three martini lunch"

Hey did you notice Shaun took an "executive lunch" today?

by Mike Gainers June 21, 2007

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Ugandan Lunch

When you arrive at your workplace or school, only to realize you forgot to pack yourself a lunch for the day. Could also include not having enough money to buy a lunch.

I was in such a rush to get to school yesterday, that I completely forgot to pack myself anything to eat. I really hate getting stuck with an Ugandan Lunch.

by 69figgernaggot69 May 16, 2018

House Lunch

A "house lunch" is an alternative phrase instead of "Nooner" for those who live close to work.

"We could eat at a near-by restaurant or we could have the house lunch."

"Instead of eating at work, I was thinking of meeting you for a house lunch."

by Ruby Blake May 26, 2009