The type of dude to wear a salmon colored shirt.
Michaels wearing a salmon colored shirt again
Michael is the kind of guy to make you laugh on your hardest days. Or when you don't expect it, he will smirk or give you a bright smile every so often. He is intelligent and has a super goofy personality. And when he shares his interests with you he will ask you to please try his interests too. Then you will adapt to them and start liking Michael even more and more until you can't stop thinking about him. He acts tuff but he's a softie on the inside. He dosnt show it all the time but, he really does care for you a tonnnnn. He will always keep the conversation going and keep things on a good level. He's silent but deadly and knows how to see around things. He is such an amazing guy, and I will forever love you M.X.M 😋
Michael is such a goof ball, but a goof ball that I love
Michael is the kind of guy to make you laugh on your hardest days. Or when you don't expect it, he will smirk or give you a bright smile every so often. He is intelligent and has a super goofy personality. And when he shares his interests with you he will ask you to please try his interests too. Then you will adapt to them and start liking Michael even more and more until you can't stop thinking about him. He acts tuff but he's a softie on the inside. He dosnt show it all the time but, he really does care for you a tonnnnn. He will always keep the conversation going and keep things on a good level. He's silent but deadly and knows how to see around things. He is such an amazing guy, and I will forever love you M.X.M 😋
Michael in such a goof ball but, a good ball that I love
Michael is a mentally tough individual who has encountered quite a handful of hardships and difficult experiences throughout his life. He is also very fair and treats most of the people he meets similarly to the way they treat him and tolerates no sort of abuse or shit from anyone. However, at times, he may be overly-judgmental of certain people he runs into, but he is just relying on what his own gut and instinct tells him initially. Most importantly, he is also extremely unpredictable and not a person who you would want to associate as your enemy.
Never underestimate Michael because you may be surprised what he knows or what he is capable of.
Michael is a guy to know. When he comes to your mind, you suddenly can’t stop smiling. He is good looking, attractive and pretty cute. He is also a very caring person and hates to see people he loves being down. He does everything to put a smile on your face, even on your saddest days. He can’t sleep until he makes sure that you are okay (sometimes forgets himself). He puts his whole heart into everything he does. He drives you crazy when you are together, but when he leaves you miss him like you haven’t seen him in a year. He is respectful, sweet and loyal. Even though he is weird, you can’t but love him. All in all Michael is beyond perfect.
Girl: ,Michael is so perfect. I hope he doesn’t have a girlfriend.‘
Me: ,Unfortunately, he does (wildly pointing fingers at myself).‘
A "smart" guy. I know him, he probably learned it from Youtube but whatever. He'll still ride for you though.
"My name is Michael and I know EVERYTHING about video games."
mr brightside <3 someone so sweet and caring, so nice to everyone and a great person to know and talk to
“hey dude do you know michael?”
“how could i not? he’s the best ever”