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Ninja Movie

Ninja Movie n. Arguably the only kind of movie that matters. Particular high points include the films produced by Joseph Lai's IFD Film Arts in the mid-1980s.

"Yo dawg, grab that bag o' chips and a couple Colt 45s. We gonna watch a NINJA MOVIE."

by Mr. Pirate May 27, 2004

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Movie DJ

Quentin Tarantino

Young Cinephile: "I need a Movie DJ that'll rock this homage-theater right! What movies should I get?"

Film student: "See said definition's filmography. All of em! And rock your eyeballs out."

by AgentAZ February 27, 2011

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TV Movie

A movie (usually based on a kids show on Nickeloden) that isn't good enough to be in the Movie Theater and debuts on television.

Nickeloden Producer #1: I'm bored!

Nickeloden Producer #2: Hey, I know. Lets make a TV Movie of (enter crappy television show) and make a quick buck.

Nickeloden Producer #1: Sweet, kids watch will anything!

Producers Laugh

by Sir Master K May 31, 2006

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movie marathon

to watch four or more movies in a row.

usually done by a movie freaks or anyone who has nothing to do to spend their free time.

Steve: I spent my last Sunday watching the whole series of Star Wars movies in a row.
Bob : episode I-VI? Wow, that's a movie marathon.

by theblender October 9, 2009

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movie ticket

A very expensive peice of paper that people pay money to have torn. The experience is usually as big a waste of time as the movie they're allowed to see in the aftermath.

One movie ticket for The Wedding Crashers.

by thenesmonster August 2, 2005

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movie yo

it means something is freaking sweet

This bread is movie yo

by Joe Hall May 21, 2006

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Movie Remake

A word meaning a classic movie turned into a terrible movie with bad acting

I almost puked after seeing the remake of Halloween 1 & 2

Movie Remakes are bad

by KillTheDead November 20, 2010

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