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marker bee

n. (pl. -ees) (derogatory) a higher-level university student employed by a professor to mark papers. Also known as a teacher's aide, or T.A. (Derived from WORKER BEE)

Professor Bombshell's over-zealous marker bees couldn't actually find anything wrong with my paper so they made shit up. I asked Bombshell to look it over himself and he agreed I should get a higher grade on it.

by William Knowles October 20, 2006

The Bee Cult

The Bee Cult is a secret society relying on the Queen of the Bee’s and her Prophets. To be initiated you must do a test given by the Prophets. It might be odd to have a Queen since democracy’s newfound fame but is needed for the stability of The Bees. The Bee Prophets bless a jar of honey for the initiationprocess. The levels of the Bee cult in order is Acolyte, Forager, Organizer, Nurse, Architect, and Prophets under the Queen. A Queen candidate is any of the members, unincluding Acolyte, where a test is made regarding the members Leadership qualities The member who places the best will be chosen as Queen while the others choose to work beside the Queen as advisers or become Missionaries. The values of the Bee Cult is Hard Work, Community, Organization, and Loyalty to The Bees. There is only one thing we disprove of, which is The Birds. We dislike of their peace loving nature, since every once in awhile The War must be initiated and they blame us. The Birds never fight back in the wars, but show extreme discrimination to our members. We mourn but respect the wishes of our people who die. On a different note there is traditional dance moves used as a language for the Bee Cult, and can be used to communicate on a personal level once shown. Some of the things that can get you kicked out: Disloyalty to the Bees, Harming each other, Not respecting our values, or disrespecting our way of life. The Last thing that our Bee Cult wants is Inequality

Girl: So I heard the Bee Cult is recruiting since the massacre in the last war?
Guy: Yes, the sneak attacks by the other cults are getting worse everyday.

Girl: I had a friend in the Bee Cult and I wanted to see how the condition was.
Guy: Sure, we’ll initiate you in later to help, we’ll gladly accept any assistance.

Random Person: What happened? Bee Cult? War?
Guy: You don’t need to know, you shouldn’t try to find out either, The Bees are neutral and won’t protect you from the Frogs or Flies.

Girl: Without a recommendation you can’t join but if your curious you can seek out the Birds.
Random Person: The Birds?
Guy: The Bird Cult is all accepting, but their knowledge is skewed. Why did you tell him to go to the birds?
Girl: I thought it was the best action!
Guy: You know how the Birds are, Plus I feel something off about them.

Random Person: What?! What are you people even talking about?! You’re all crazy and I’m outta here!
(Random Person runs away)

Guy: See what you’ve done, It’s never good to talk about this out in the open.
Girl: How was I to know he’d show up! We’re in the middle of the forest.

Guy: It’s fine, he’ll bug off if he knows what’s good for him.
Girl: If he doesn’t?
Guy: It won’t matter since no one will believe him, accept maybe the Birds.

by Backstory_Generator March 12, 2022

Hot Bees

An exclamation used when surprised or in awe

"Hot bees! That is one ugly chick!"

by TwiceStyle June 26, 2013

Belly bees

Anxious, nervous or excited; alternate to “butterflies in one’s stomach”

I can’t wait to see you tomorrow. I have the belly bees.

by Kevin C+H December 17, 2018

Bee's Sleaze

A sex act wherein one partner inserts honey into their partner's orifice,* licks it out, then makes out with their partner.

*any orifice will do

I call Chelsea "honey" because she loves a good Bee's Sleaze (as do I!).

by Bee'sSleaze March 11, 2012


This is a group organised for voluntary manual labor. Tasks like cleaning, painting, garden work. A working bee servers the common good. Weather at painting the fence at Grandma's house or weeding and planting flowers at your local park. A working bee is organised to get a laborious task done with the help of a group of friends, family, colleagues or community.


Hey Jane, a group of us are going to have a working-bee this weekend at Greg's place. Since he's been confined to the wheelchair hus gardens gotten totally out of hand and it doesn't look good for the street. Sally and I are gonna be there and Jeff's gonna bring his famous chocolate mousse to the bbq afterwards. I know how much you like Sally. How about you come and give us a hand, it'll be fun you can meet some of the neighbours on our street.

by Isaac Tanner-Dempsey March 26, 2021

Lead bees


I call bullets lead bees sometimes.

by Eat 26 dicks August 11, 2021