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A Persian is a self-centered ignorant individual who always try to steal other identity to feel better about themselves. For example they are far from being a European race and yet they claim Hitler claim of Aryan race which is hilarious. Now when it comes to social status they always try to portray themselves like Model minorities such as Indian, East Asian and Jewish communities while they resembles nothing of their achievement and nobody sees them as those groups except in terms of income they are close because of they mostly own restaurants and multiple gas station, almost 80 percent earn their income from doing business owned places but not top professionals such a high techs, investment and or medical professions.

John: Hey That Persian is very rich.
Josh: Those Persian only make money doing low type business so what....

by persianlier September 29, 2020


not necessarily iranians
not white
not all are muslims
big noses
thick hair
body hair
long eyelashes
full lips
-exceptionally talented poets/authors
-the best food tbh
-unique cultures/traditions going back thousands of years

Person 1: Oh my god, can you believe she's not wearing mascara?
Person 2: She's persian, must be nice to have long eyelashes..

by coolperson_999 April 19, 2021


A Persian speaker from Iranian, Afghan or Tajikistani descent.

A Langauge spoken in West- South- and Central-Asia

Does he speak Persian or Kurdish?

by TheyCallMeSlim October 26, 2022


a persian speaker from Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan

Is he a Persian?

by TheyCallMeSlim October 26, 2022

Persian Dash

Term used when Persian Women bail on a Dutch first date.

went to the bathroom and 10 minutes later texts me to "meet her outside" shes nowhere in sight. Another victim of the Persian Dash.

by Cyclaptor August 14, 2021