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Disney princess

Created by Disney, a highly unrealistic interpretation of royalty which involves a cookie cutter adolescent heroine, usually with Barbie doll physique, who may or may not be of royal ancestry.
The main Disney Princesses to date are Snow White, Cinderella, Princess Aurora, Ariel, Princess Jasmine, Belle, Pocahontas, Mulan, Giselle, Tiana, and Rapunzel; Cinderella is actually nobility or gentry while Belle, Tiana, Mulan, and Giselle are actually commoners but the first two married into royalty, Giselle came close, and Mulan marries a general.
A fancy dress and tiara does not a princess make.

The Disney Princesses, despite differing personalities, often have strong similarities: animal companions/comic relief, befriending commoners (discouraged among nobles), an adventure, searching for love and pushing the envelope, all the while as perfect as can be... and are often depicted as free of royal duties or enjoying them like it's a game, informal rather than like an ultra-formal aristocrat.

Real princesses, at least historically, have, with a few exceptions, enjoyed little political influence; their brother(s) usually inherit the property while they are married off as pawns in a big political game, existing only as managers of the castles and breeding-mares for their husbands, their freedom sacrificed for the dynasty and the people; Princess Jasmine represented this pressure. Not all princesses are beautiful or intelligent, let alone nice; because marriage below the nobility was forbidden, inbreeding ran rampant, and royals live a *very* public life, complete with prying eyes and intrigue.

by Lorelili January 11, 2011

72πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

disney princess

high maintenance woman. One that thinks she is all grown up but in reality is just a little girl.

The disney princess went to get her hair done instead of shopping with her friends.

by Rainman March 9, 2005

153πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

Passenger Princess

A girl who doesn’t drive but gets driven around by boys all the time with no intention of learning to drive.

Lindsay is such a passenger princess ,she’s always in his car!

by hotsexyprincess1 April 21, 2022

142πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

princess peach

Clearly the best character in Mario Kart 64.

You think you can beat me with Yoshi? Psshh... I'd like to see you try.

by Yeah, Peach has got it! May 8, 2004

178πŸ‘ 73πŸ‘Ž

Princess Thea

When your ball sack sticks to your inner thy and you have to curtsy like a princess in order to unstuck it.

Oh look Rob has to do the "Princess Thea" to un-stick his ball sack.

by TotalShockandAwe September 21, 2009

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Phoenician Princess

Similar to a JAP or guidette, a Phoenician Princess is pejorative term for a heavily spoiled female between the ages of 14-30 of Lebanese-American descent. She is usually very tan, wears tight close, has expensive jewelry and handbags, and talks endlessly about how her grandfather was a millionaire in Lebanon before the civil war broke out in the 1970s.

These young women are known to dwell all over Salem, NH and Methuen, MA as well as Dearbornistan in Michigan.

Alicia is a straight-up Phoenician Princess. Would you believe her umm and aba gave her $5000 worth of gifts for her high school graduation?

by 603explorer August 1, 2011

19πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Princess Mononoke

Stunning, awesome, inspirational, wonderful.

Princess Mononoke is stunning, awesome, inspirational, and wonderful.

by Ashitaka February 25, 2004

240πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž