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Puff Buddies

A man and woman who aren't in a relationship, but frequently hook up to smoke marijuana together.

Isaac: George are you banging Carla?
George: No we just puff buddies

by Fishnipples625 July 20, 2017


A crush with a major sensitive side; a non-binary soul unafraid to show all sides to all

My last bf was such a harsh mofo—I'm dying to get with Georgie, he's such a dream-puff.

My fraternity put up a stupid sign last rush—"dream-puffs need not apply"

by Creed Cur December 21, 2020

Stuff & Puff

The art of tucking your testicles between your legs and stuffing your own scrotum into your rectum. The final act is farting out the scrotum.

Josh: What are you up to tonight, Bobby?
Bobby: I think I’m gonna go home, drink a few beers and do a little Stuff & Puff.

Josh: What is that?
Bobby: I’m gonna stuff my nuts into my ass and fart them out!

by Catwrencher October 5, 2018

Taco Puff

A homosexual of Mexian origin.

That mexican guy at the park kept staring at Dave and Tom. I think he was a taco puff.

by tribalbear78 April 18, 2010

puff the muff

When you need you baby powder your vagina

It was very hot and I had to puff the muff

by Not Diana July 27, 2017

Poverty Puffs

Those big ass bags of cheap cereal near grocer's freezer. Patent Pending CL 2/24/16

Hey Todd, That's a big ass bag of "Poverty Puffs". Yes it is Bill. Yes it is!

Mom! Can Bill have some "Poverty Puffs"? No he can not Son. No he can not!

cereal breakfastbooty

by I AM CL February 24, 2016

puff nuggies

The white part of a dandelion when it is ready to spread it's seeds

Look at all the puff nuggies in the yard.
If you blow all the seedlings of a puff nuggie you can make a wish

by Madcat83 May 8, 2023