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swag rag

A type of stylish cloth, such as a bandanna or towel, but in extreme cases could include shirts or generally semi-/non-raw materials or items. It can be displayed on a face, in a back pocket or other creative ways. It is used to represent the level of swag one is working with.

He got mad style with that swag rag.

Hand me my swag rag.

Get your bummy ass, filthy t-shirt swag rag wearing self outta here!

by akdamastakillah May 1, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

twat rag

1. Slang for tampon.
2. A disparaging word to describe a female in anger or disgust, see bitch or cunt
see also cunt rag

Stacy is a dirty twat rag.

by robin graves February 21, 2004

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Butt Rag

A piece of toilet paper inserted between ones butt cheeks to keep sweat and/or crap stains from reaching ones underwear

Butt Rag (aka ass tampon). After taking a dump and wiping clean, you tear off 2 to 3 squares of toilet paper, fold them on top of each other to form a square, then fold that in half, then (optional) you apply some baby or talcum powder to the outer edge. Then wedge it between your ass cheeks in the crack. Keeps your underwear nice and skid free until the next dump.

by Harvey Wallbanger 69 July 5, 2012

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blow rag

someone whose sole purpose is for your sexual gratification

I don't want a relationship with her; she's just a blow rag

by vunt July 16, 2003

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tiger rag

have sex with a girl who is on her period, and pull out and ejaculate stripes on her back.

Mike: Last night me and Jenny did the tiger rag. It ruled.

by chaz davis April 14, 2008

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adj. a mish-mash; an ecclectic mix.

Brenda and I were part of a rag tag group of hookers, child molesters, nudists, naturists, and millionaires who drank Colt 45, shot up heroin, got dope sick, ate excrement, munched carpets, and participated in Satanic rituals.

by Lopa February 6, 2004

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Rag Dump

The act of bowel elimination during a woman's Rag, Period. Dropping a foot long log while aunt flo is visiting.

Yesterday my sister took the meanest Rag Dump. I knew it was a Rag dump because it smelled, like a slaughter house and the restrooms at Bobs Big Boy.

by Tower1 October 13, 2010

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