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noun: someone who believes the following: 1) evil should be prevented when possible, or if not, punished (hence captital punishment, war on terror, etc.)- 2) innocence should be protected (hence "pro-life,") - 3)people should earn their living, not be stuck in an entitlement mindset as a result of a welfare state - 4) the U.S Constitution does not guarantee unlimited personal freedom, but freedom with responsibility - 5) non-Americans have the privilege to enter the country legally and make a positive contribution to American society, and those who enter illegaly are criminals - 6) a government that can give its citizens everything they need can also take it away; wealth should be achieved through the personal investment of time and effort - 7) merit is based on achievement and character, not on skin color or ethnicity - 8) a free market encourages competition and market self-stabalization, while socialism and communism breed corruption, inefficiency, and oppression.
adj: describes a system or belief that is in accordance with the above principles

"The Little Red Hen" is a children's story that exemplifies the Republican mentality that those who do not contribute their time and effort toward something do not deserve to enjoy its benefits.

by Samuel Jones May 3, 2007

25๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž


A rightest party whom was against slavery in the south. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican in his presidency. Republicans are usually conservative with some the opposite. Republicans believe in lower taxes, free market capitalism, restrictions on immigration, increased military spending, gun rights, restrictions on abortion, deregulation and restrictions on labor unions. A lot of Republicans are trump supporters and if you don't like trump then you're probably a democrat idk. Most of the definitions on Republican are made by Democrats who despise them so most of them are very biased. Most republicans aren't LGBTQ and are religious, there are some exceptions to this however as some republicans and trump supporters are LGBTQ. Just because your a republication doesn't mean that your a racist, homophobic, white supremacist, nazi, boomer who hates rights and freedom. Yes, there are some idiot republicans and idiot democrats because not everyone thinks the same and some people have to lean to accept that and respect each others political views. Quite ironic how many definitions on republicans are shit talking them lmao. Anyways, if you're a democrat, cool. If your a republican, cool. Respect each others opinions and stop whining ffs.

"Are you a Republican or a Democrat?"
"I'm a republican."
"I'm a democrat and I respect your opinions."
"I respect yours too."

by Veteran Bandit November 5, 2020

7๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person from one of the two major political groups in the U.S. The original Republican group later became the present day Democratic group. So is there really a difference between the two parties?

by Lindsay February 25, 2003

31๐Ÿ‘ 174๐Ÿ‘Ž


Someone who is a member of the Republican party. Republicans believe
1. Low taxes- low taxes allow the American people to keep more of their income. They will then have more money and will be able to invest it for their retirement or spend it in the economy. If the money is spent, more job oppurtunities are created and the country's economy goes up.
2. Lower taxes for the rich- the upperclass currently pays 75 percent of all the taxes in this country. Now tell me is that fair? The upperclass hardly ever gets anything out of these taxes because most of it is used to go to policies which help the poor. Democrates only want to tax the upperclass more, even though they make up only about 5 percent of the population and pay for 75 percent of the taxes. The upperclass also puts the most amount of money into social security and gets the least amount back out later on in their retirement.
3. Pro Life- A life begins at the moment of conception. Why would anyone want to even consider killing a baby? It is terrible. Has anyone ever considered that an aborted baby may one day be the one to find the cure for cancer or might be the next Einstein? If you dont want the child then put it up for adoption. So many Americans are looking to adopt children and they need to go to Asian countries to get them.
4. Againt Affirmative Action- A person should not get financial aid or preferential treatment just because of race. Hundreds of white males are being denied to colleges just becasue the college would rather take someone who is black. Affirmative action is only pointing out racism even more and making the problem worse. If racism wants to be ended then the country needs to start treating people as equals and not giving special treatment only because someone is a minority.
5. Is against gun conrtol- The second ammendment states that Americans have the right to bear arms. Republicans believe in the ammendments.
6. Against policies- Republicans are against government policies. They make people dependent on the government instead of relying on themselevs. The job of the government is not to take care of people's financial needs. If people are not smart enough to save their money during the course of their career than that is too bad for them. Democrates are always for creating policies. What people dont understand is that people are going to eventually pay for those policies which will cause higher taxes. Higher taxes takes money away from the people which in return causes GDP to go down and causes the economy to go down.
7. Want tighter border control- Illegal aliens are not acceptable and need to be sent back to where they came from. They come to America and take advantage of the public school systems and usually avoid paying taxes because they are paid under the table.
8. Non intervention foreign policy- Bush is the one acception to this but he is an idiot. Most Republicans believe in a non intervention foreign policy which basically means we dont get involved in other countries business. They dont believe in policing the world, and they mind their own business here in America.
9. Believe in a smaller Federal Government: The founding fathers wanted America to be run by the people and not allow the government to gain too much power. Republicans are usually the party which does not promote policies which control the American's peoples' lives. They want the American people to run themselves and make descions for themselves.
10. Anti Universal Healthcare- Universal healthcare would only cause the American people to pay more taxes to support the system. The upperclass would be called upon once again to pay for most of it even though they already pay 75 percent of America's taxes. Universal healthcare would also discourage compitition which is extremely important for the economy. IF there is no compitiion then doctors will make a lot less money and the medical business will no longer be the money making business it is now. Universal healthcare also causes people to go on waiting lists to get unneeded surgeries done.

Some common misconceptions: Democrates seem to believe that all Repbulicans support the war in Iraq. That is completly wrong and by no means true. Befor Bush, Republicans were always anti-war and were for a none intervention foreign policy.
Democrates also seem to believe that Republicans want to tax the lower class more. That is not true. They want lower taxes for all people.
Democrates seem to believe that Republicans want to get rid of soscial security, welfare, medicare, and the minimum wage. That is completely false. Republicans do find those policies somewhat valuable and they only want to prevent further unneeded policies to be formed because taxes would only increase.

Some famous Republicans:
Abraham Lincoln- abolished slavery
Teddy Roosevelt
Ricahrd Nixon- brought troops home from Vietnam
Ronald Reagon- promoted low taxes and caused the economy to be great in the 80's.

by hardcorerepublican554 December 5, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 132๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who believes in individualism. A person who wants to ensure that with hard work and determination, you can achieve success. Sadly, the party has been taken over by moronic "Conservative" scumbags who believe that the country must have more religious values in non political issues and tend to favor free markets that are free to the point where Capitalism becomes concentrated in small sectors and forgets about the rest of the country. If these people knew what a conservative was they would NEVER have voted for Ronald Reagan since he raised taxes on the rich people and borrowed money.

I'm a republican who believes in controlled capitalism and a small but effective government, and I want my tax money to fund public interests.

by Rwasselas December 24, 2012

3๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


someone who doesn't want to be destroyed by terroists. if america wasn't engaged in war, we would probably be bombed flat and/or taken over. And if it wasn't for the U.S. going to war in the first place, Suddam wouldn't be captured, and Al-Zarqawi (or whatever) would still be ordering people to behead americans.

im glad the republican president engaged in war, because if he didn't, we would all be either dead, tortured, or blown up by now.

by christianskater_0016 July 9, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž


Generally, a person who supports less government in the daily life of citizen's. Critics belief that the republican party supports tax breaks for the rich because they are controlled by big business, but in reality they know that with less government there should be lowered taxes. Tax breaks allow more money to circulate through the economy rather than the government. It has been said that we are the rich man's party. The majority of the money rest in the North and the West which vote democrat and the hard working middle class of the south and central regions of America vote Republican. Republicans do not belief in welfare or other government gifts to the lazy. They support life for innocent unborn children and death for guilty murders. See abortion and death penalty. The republican party can also be referred to as the logical party. Although my fellow republicans are more logical than its weak contradicting competetion, the republics can sometimes lose their logic by referring to the Bible, sorry guys the Bible was guided by most corrupt BUSINESS in history, The Catholic Church. The republican party will remain on top until the democrats realize that they can not please the 4,722,987 special interest groups that vote against our candidate instead of for the democrat.

In the last two elections W won, we were voting for him and the democrats had no one to vote for. Instead, they showed up to the polls as anti-republicans instead of pro-whatever the hell tree or animal or minority they support.

by DoesBushRemindYouOfForrestGump! June 4, 2006

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