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Seven Sisters

one of many names for the famous Pleiades star cluster located in the constellation Taurus the Bull. Other popular names are the Hoeing Stars, Seven Maidens, the Rosary, M45 (an astronomy catalog designation), and Subaru (that is where the Japanese car company gets its name, "Subaru" is the Japanese name for the star cluster and an emblem depicting the cluster is on every Subaru car). A look thru simple binoculars will reveal much more than seven stars in the star conglomeration.

It's autumn time, the sky is clear, and I can see the Seven Sisters over the Cooks' house. Let's get a closeup view of it all!

by I Saw U2 Live Twice June 6, 2007

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

skip sister

The step sister of your half sibling, OR the half sister of your step sibling.

MIKE: Okay, Honey, this is my skip sister Elaine.

HONEY: I think I am pretty good at this now! Elaine is the half sister of your step sister Sharon, right?

MIKE: Right!

by Shelly Bozdog July 1, 2006

17πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Sister Snatcher

a man who is infatuated, who is utterly obsessed, with hooking up with his friends' sisters

Synonyms- Gbart

Antonyms- a normal person with decent moral standards

Gbart is known as the sister snatcher since he has a reputation of preying on his friends' sisters.

by the jordyp March 2, 2017

Sperm sisters

Two women who will pact for life. They will hunt down unsuspecting Sports Figures or Actors and such and initiate a three way. As the man is ready to ejaculate, one lucky lady will savor thus ejaculate in her mouth and when the man is not looking, quickly spit it into her β€œsperm sisters” vagina in hopes to have his baby! The unsuspecting sucker never knows how it happened but nevertheless is just another victim of the sperm sisters.

You will never again see those sperm sisters swallowing my seed. They will get you for life!

by DunnBai August 22, 2019

Little sister

Little sister sucks the attention out of anything.

Holy fuck my little sister is an attention leach

by Pepe the fwoooog July 10, 2019

Sister Punch

An alcoholic punch spiked with Xanax by sorority girls, in secret and at random.
Generally for sorority-only events and parties.
Often a means for fellow sisters to seduce one-another.
Lesbian orgies have resulted.

O.M.G who made the sister punch last night?!
I don’t remember anything after Emily brought me to her room LOL!

by Lexi Black November 6, 2019

Lumberjack sisters

girls who have shared the same piece of wood.

see eskimo sisters for s similar sisters.

"Hey wallace, did you know stephanie and anna are lumberjack sisters."

by broselophus rex September 5, 2011