Sadie and Abel one of the greatest pair’s ever. No one can say anything different. They are just meant for each other whether they are dating or just friends. They have chemistry and will forever be something that will never end
Have you seen Sadie and Abel?
Yeah they are goals
A beautiful women very nice, funny, smart, cool, all a guy needs. When guys look at her there automaticly in love and the guythat gets her is the luckiest person alive and everybody wishes they were that lucky person.
Sadie southworth is the coolest girl
When two men 69 while standing up, Tombstone style, only for the 9 to be sodomized by a transexual whilst the 6 is sodomized by a midget transexual standing perilously atop a step ladder, making both the 6 and the 9 a joint Lucky Pierre.
Jim managed to orchestrate a Sadie Jae. I've never been more proud.
The name of a beautiful ninja warrior baby who is going to beat the shit out of the evil hockey player named Mike Whelan as soon as he is born....because she is disgusted by what he does to poor helpless animals.
Mike Whelan tried to fuck the dog of Sadie Jae, but she quickly came to its rescue.
THEY ARE BADASSES!! they're not afraid to do anything. So before you go up to talk to them be careful, cause they'll take that stick out of your ass and put a cactus up there.
sady and shade are a scary couple.. don't get on their bad side.
THEY ARE BAD ASSSSS! before you try to talk to them you have to be careful. theyll remove that stick from up your ass aand put a cactus up there
sady and shade are badasses theyll blow a mcdonalds up
Sadie is horrible at biology. She is known for getting a 21 out of 30 on her last test. She also gets mad very easily at her peers. She tends to get bullied on the daily in biology by the cool kids. You can always rely on her to ask stupid questions.
Sadie Chodash: Is there a final in this class?
Ferro: Obviously. It's biology.