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Premature Salutation

Greeting another individual while walking towards each other, but doing so when there is still an abundant amount of walking space to be covered before passing each other. This untimely greet is usually very awkward, but can be saved by a brief conversation concerning issues such as weather, sports, or work.

Josh- I ran into a co-worker today downtown, but it was extremely awkward, because I said hello 20 feet away from him.

Colton- Oh, do you mean you became a victim of Premature Salutation?

by chager45 February 13, 2010

Premature salutation

The situation in which you say goodbye to someone, believing that you are about to part ways, only to discover that the person is actually going in the exact same direction as you. This results in a lingering sense of awkwardness as you decide whether or not to restart the conversation.

After wishing each other well and promising to reconnect soon, Nick and Varun started walking the same way. There was an uncomfortable silence for around 30 seconds. "Wow, I sure hate premature salutations!" exclaimed Varun. "Yeah..." chuckled Nick nervously.

by VNFP October 11, 2018

Putzitis Salute

The salute given to a person, place, or thing that succinctly sums up a person's feelings toward a given subject.

Our Dear Leader so inspired me I had to give a Putzitis Salute!

by A Voicemail in a Vacuum April 6, 2020

Bulimia salute

The act of forcing one self to vomit by putting two to 3 fingers down your throat after alcoholic over indulgiance.

My mate was so pissed up on whiskey he had to perform a Bulimia Salute so he could drink some more.

by AntiDaly October 24, 2023

Saluting the dawn

Another term for morning glory;
When a man wakes up in the morning with an erection he ‘salutes the dawn’ by standing to attention

Man1: How was your morning?
Man2: Good thanks but I woke up saluting the dawn so hard I had to wake up my partner to help me deal with it

by Eponine_T November 21, 2017

double ham salute

bending over, dropping pants and spreading cheeks

when I arrived home, after a night of drinking, my sister starting bitchin' and raising hell. I was in no mood for that, so on the way into my room I dropped trou and gave her the double ham salute

by bullet88 August 16, 2008

shoot em or salute em

Either get rid of the person. Or follow along with them.

You keep complaining about your senator. I say shoot em or salute em.

by Sicilian Cowboy November 4, 2023