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sassy flirty


Alex was being his sassy flirty self like usual

by sassyflirty January 7, 2023

Sassy Lassie

1. A bitch who sasses everyone.
2. A dog who refuses to eat her food.
3. A tiny penis with big balls

1. She refused to answer the question, what a sassy lassie.
2. Fido won't eat her kibbles she acts sassy lassie.
3. His dick is 3", he go a sassy lassie.

by KidPolarBear2333443 April 17, 2015

sassy breeze

a fart

My mother blew me a kiss in the form of a sassy breeze. It smelled and came from her butt.

by peepeepilot November 3, 2014

Sassy Sunday

The day where you let all of your sassiness go and become more manly the next day.

“Babe why are you being so sassy
Wdym it’s sassy Sunday..”

by Chickennugget9k March 26, 2023