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social slut

a person who socializes every fucking waking moment in order to raise his/her popularity

dude, anna is such a social slut.

well.... yeah.

by A Thousand June 21, 2003

66πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Social networks

Sites that make stalking effortless

*creeping on the person your obsessed w/ using social networks*

by laurenco July 3, 2014

48πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

social anxiety

BEing afraid of people. Only people with social anxiety have felt true pain and goth whores should stfu about there lives since its painless compared to social anxiety. ITs pain that wont go away.

My life suffocates from social anxiety.

by Iliveinfear November 26, 2003

799πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž

Social Work

The professional activity of helping individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities to enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and to create societal conditions favorable to their goals. Social work requires knowledge of human development and behavior; of social, economic, and cultural institutions, and of the interaction of all these factors.

Social workers use their knowledge and skills to provide social services to clients, as defined by the National Association of Social Workers. They help people increase their capacities for problem solving and help them obtain needed resources, facilitate interactions between individuals and between people and their environments, make organizations responsible to people, and influence social policies. One common misconception of social workers is that people believe that most of them are "baby snatchers.” People don't see the services provided by social workers, the families social workers have helped, or the children social workers have saved, or the parents that come back to thank the social workers.

by Dancing with Fire October 17, 2011

56πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

social engineer

a master of the human psyche who may, at a moments notice, bend the will of another human to fit his own, a hacker of the human mind.

"social engineers bend human will"

by a social engineer June 27, 2004

73πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

social distancing

1. A technique used to prevent the spreading of a pandemic disease by physically distancing yourself from others. (i.e. not shaking hands to prevent the spreading of germs)

2. To spend time relaxing by yourself.*

* May be used as code for private, solitary activities of *Any* kind. (i.e. masturbation)


β€œDuring the Swine Flu pandemic many health officials recommended Social Distancing. This started a wide trend of mask-wearing, not shaking hands and standing 6 feet apart in public.”


β€œSee ya man, I’m going to do some Social Distancing and chill.”


β€œI got some new lotion so I going to go do some heavy Social Distancing!”
β€œYou need a girlfriend, man.”

by NoThankYou4PiggyFlu May 1, 2009

132πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

communism and socialism

Varying degrees of the same system that rely on the labor theory of market. That theory states that labor is worth something, not tied to the good or service that it produces. Because of that idea, we should pay people more money than it takes to produce an item because they want more money. This fails economically because if everyone wants more money for their work, all items inflate in cost, so you can't afford what you couldn't afford before, except now it's much more expensive than it was, because you have more money but still not enough to buy it. Basically, socialism and communism are a party trick to get the poor to feel better about the fact that life is competitive and they are losing the game. This is also popular with the rich because it makes them seem kind to the poor. Nobody actually wants to implement socialism or communism, they just want to redistribute goods and services and money from those that have it to those that don't and are willing to lose out in the long term for a short term gain.

I used to hate Amazon.com because of communism and socialism, but now I realize that I didn't want to pay more for goods or shipping so I am comfortable with them fucking their employees, because they are doing it for me.

by mostly_wrong September 18, 2019

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž