Source Code

cuban number station

It is not known exactly what they are there, but its pretty much transmitted enigma in CW mode and then a bunch of numbers (in Spanish) in AM mode. It sounds like a female computer voice.

Cuban number stations can be monitored all across North America.


3060 (very common on the 6.6 MHz pirate radio band also)
3292 6867 7648 8790 11215
3410 6872 7682 8873 11468
3444 6888 7726 8980 12144
3926 6890 7743 8992 13373
40176892 7755 9120 13419
4020 6920 7845 9140 14180
4027 6933 7860 9237 14736
4174 6935 7887 9251 14770
4601 6983 7890 9255 14825
4610 6953 8010 9330 17425
4328 6942 8018 9925 17520
4479 6768 6995 8066 10125 18035
5087 6778 7425 8126 10180 18434
5118 6787 7435 8136 10270 20316
5135 6797 7480 8150 10345 21865
5407 6800 7482 8165 10510
5415 6825 7520 8186 10713
5417 6840 7525 8240 10865
5420 6856 7580 8380 11125

by IrishRepublicanArmy December 10, 2003

21πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Bryan/College Station

Bryan/Colege Station or B/CS as many call it, is a great place to live if you are a student at Texas A&M or Blinn Junior College. It is a twincity, which means two cities that join at the city limits. Has been labeled as the fourth best city in the nation to live (moneywise). Their is very little crime activity in the area of 130,000 citizens between the two cities. Bryan has many public schools that has been awarded the Blue-Ribbon award for academic excellence. Bryan is also home to the fourth biggest high school in the state of Texas, Bryan High School. Located in Central Texas and about 150 miles (at the most) from Dallas, Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. Has a decent party atmosphere for the weekends. College Station is home to Texas A&M and Northgate, which was voted by college students across the nation as the third best place to party when in a college town. If you have not visited B/CS, then you do not know what you are missing!

Bryan/College Station is a great place to live, hands down!

by Wun Hung Lo January 12, 2006

143πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

slam central station

A highly sought-after imaginary location that can be visited during love-making.

Bro 1: "So how'd it go with that chick last night, bro?"

Bro 2: "You know how it is, bro. After the bar, I took that hoe straight to slam central station!"

Bro 1: (nods in approval) "Respect."

by The Pete Jones November 24, 2013

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Train Station Blunt

Smoking a blunt at a train station and then watching the trains go by.

"Windels" You guys ever smoke a train station blunt ?

by david3.8 December 1, 2007

30πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Trans-Central Station

A large gathering of people in one location that are transgender.

Six of my trans friends and I went to the mall, I turned to them and said, "Check it out! It's Trans-Central Station!"

by Claire-Renee May 18, 2015

gas station etiquette

Something we should all practice when filling up, but a lot of us seldom do.

Rules Of Gas Station Etiquette:
(1) If you have just your car, pull forward to da last unoccupied pump (even if you have to slither around others) so dat those behind you can reach da pumps more easily.
(2) If you have a long trailer, use da first pump in line to leave da others clear, unless this would block access to da station. If so, park over in da side-lot and use gas-cans to fill up.
(3) If you need to also shop in da station's store, get da gas **first** and then move your 0%!$@# vehicle outta da pump-island so dat others can fill up in da meantime… don't just leave your rig parked in da island while you leisurely diddle around in da candy-bars aisle!
(4) If you'll need extra time at da pump (like if you hafta tediously "coax in" da last few gallons, or you have gas-cans to also fill) either wait till a "slower" time of day, or else park off to da side and use your gas-cans to finish up.
(5) If you have a check to cash, bagged/rolled coins to spend/exchange, or other "lengthier" business, wait till da other customers are done. Also, walk around da store to ensure you have all your needed items, so dat you don't hafta dash back to da far-corner cooler to grab a second gallon of milk (and thus oblige everyone else behind you to grumblingly wait) and then run all da way back to da counter again! And have your payment-method (cash, debit/Food-Stamps cards, check, etc.) all ready once ya get to da counter, rather than having to frantically fumble for it.

by QuacksO July 24, 2018

beat off station

A place where a teenager masturbates at

Ex. A place in his or her room, the bathroom, or the front room(very risky).

My mom almost found my beat off station yesterday luckily it's hid very well.

by $ub7erO FreeZiN September 3, 2017