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sweat ass

when your underwear sticks to the crack of your ass and cheeks and from heavy perspiration

During the heatwave he often suffered from sweat ass

by Jack June 24, 2004

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

poopy sweat

when you do a vigorous activity and sweat goes into your buttcrack, which wasn't wiped good enough, and makes a nasty brown sweat

man, after long run, i regret not wiping too well. i got poopy sweat!!!

by i beats it up. dat pussy dat is! August 31, 2007

10πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Sweat it out

When a girl's perm or press is ruined while engaging in a strenuous activity (like playing a sport or having sex)

-What me to sweat it out, baby?
-Yeah, sweat it allll out!!!

-Girl, ma man sweat it out last night!

by luvchild July 26, 2006

19πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

nerd sweat

the odor that exists in game stores, such as Game Stop and EB Games. The smell comes from nerdy kids playing video games all day in an enclosed environment. This only applies to the game stores in shopping centers, because there is not enough ventilation.

Alex and his friend Tommy walked into EB Games to buy a new game for their PS3s, and once they entered they could smell nerd sweat in the air.

by a. roflcopter January 19, 2008

16πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Poop sweats

Plural noun:
1. Perspiration brought on by or in anticipation of a strenuous bowel movement or diarrhea session

2. Sweat pants put on in preparation for a large, cramp-laden and/or overdue doody

3. A lubricant that coats a turd to ease its exit, usually created when one ingests an osmotic laxative (causing the bowel to release water around a stubborn stool) or as a result of consuming questionable tacos

4. Figurative perspiration of a poop caused by his frustration of his delayed or difficult departure

1. We need to pull over, Carol - I’m getting the poop sweats and it’s not gonna be pretty

2. I just had Taco Bell so I’m puttin my poop sweats on now

3. Sam must have the poop sweats, cause I just heard a splash

4. Dad said he’s so constipated even his turds are anxious with poop sweats

by theoxfordcomma October 15, 2018

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Sweat Monkey

Racial slur for a female Pakistani.

Fucking sweat monkeys stank like shit.

by Flosheezy March 16, 2009

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Food sweats

The night time sweats that wake you up after you gave eaten a huge dinner. Usually paired with having to lay down propped up to avoid accidental choking during the night.

Man, did I have the Food Sweats after our trip to Sizzler last night!

by Jbjbdd December 26, 2011

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