Thrice or more boiled hotdog water
Hot dog syrup personality....that made my skin crawl
The act of farting into one another's asses.
"Hey bud, let's maple syrup handshake later!"
the liquid produced by a male following stimulation of the crotch area
she just loves to the crotch syrup
The beginning arc to a very chaotic, multi-dimensional, and extremely gay frog crossover roleplay
Person A: I was a part of the Syrup Arc (Worlds Collide Roleplay).
Person B: How the frick do you keep track of everything in that rp?
Person A:
Person A: I don't.
The act of a person dying by way of being submerged in a large quantity of maple syrup by the Canadian legal system.
Johnny got sent to be syrup-itized by the Canadian's after commiting several crimes against the country.
Over instant message, request they say it out loud even if people are around.
Patrick: i have a joke.
Patrick: why didn't the fat man fit in the chair?
Sabastian Boaz: why?
Patrick: because he wouldn't .sit his ass down!
Sabastian Boaz: lol that was really bad, you have to say Ass Syrup out loud
Patrick: okay
You suck at writing.
There are never two p's in maple
Brad: Mapple syrup is so good
Jon: Did you just misspell maple?
Brad: oops autocorrect
Jon: You know were talking face to face right??
Brad: *breathes heavily with mouth*
Jon: What the frick did you do with My mouth?!
Brad: *runs away*