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Alice in Chains

THE best rock band in my opinion. Their music is deep, poetic, dark, emotional, beautiful and just fucking rocks. Awesome vocals from Layne Stanley. Awesome guitar solos and vocals from Jerry Cantrel.

Some of their best songs include: Man in the Box, Nutshell, Angry Chair, Again, Rain When I Die, I Stay Away, Rooster, and Grind

It didn't really rain when Layne Stanley died..

Have you heard Nutshell? Its beautiful.

by Austin May 7, 2005

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chains of love

Unhealthy emotional attachment.

Seen Mike lately? Nope, Sissy got him wrapped up with her chains of love.

by kingmarki December 9, 2006

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Chain Tweeter

Someone who is addicted to twittering and cannot stop. They update they're staus at least 10 times an hour if not more.

Bob: Look at all of Lily813's tweets, she has so many and she's only been on Twitter a month
Alexandra: I know she's a chain tweeter

by Charles the 13th June 2, 2009

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Chain snapper

That one friend that whenever he/she snapchats tends to go overboard with it. It many cases when you see this happen you want to take the person's phone and delete snapchat.

Dude DJ Khaled likes to snappchat a lot.
Yea man I know he's a chain snapper

by CaptainMexico February 22, 2016

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Chain Post

Any internet post (typically on Snapchat) that is meant to be spread and reposted from account to account.

Sarah only posts chain posts on her Snapchat story about sliding up and saying "bet".

by TonyCrisp July 19, 2018

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trippin the chain

lookin fly wit yo sweet ass self

deaaamn, that bitch is trippin the chain

by jameswhenheisinmexicomessinwithvero July 26, 2007

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dolly chain

The improper reference to daisy chaining items together. It is the term used by Tom of Tom Can't Stop when referring to a daisy chain.

Hey guys, let's dolly chain those vocal monitors together.

by Bill Will. April 18, 2006

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