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bubble chaser

US Air Force slang term for a pneumatic systems technician, derived from the major cause of most malfunctions being a small leak that admits air bubbles into a hose or line.

The controls are a little too spongy. Better let the bubble chasers check it out before its next flight.

by Bill gronos July 2, 2009

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ambulance chaser

A durogatory phrase used to refer to personal injury attourneys.

"That lawyer isn't any good, he's just another one of those ambulance chasers."

by _Fabricated_ September 21, 2003

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Tranny Chaser

A cisgendered male or female that is attracted to people who identify as transgender. This is usually considered an insult.

Did you hear about Katy? She's dating another transguy.

Wow, what a Tranny Chaser!

by Tranny Chasin Transguy June 7, 2011

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Racer chaser

Someone who chases after people who drive races cars for a living or fun

Dang that girl is a racer chaser alright she was just all over #20 last week npw shes going to #53 this week that's low

by Racer chaser October 4, 2016

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Fire Chaser

A man or woman who seeks intimate relationships with firemen/women.

That Spencer is such a fire chaser, he cant keep his hands off of firemen!

by notdombowie February 10, 2010

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Clout Chaser

Makes no money chases the persons with the most followers and likes. Can be broke as long as the clout is there.

Hey man I i wanna hit that Clout Chaser up but my follower count isn’t high enough. I might go hit on the stripper that makes more than men.

by Lil D 83 January 14, 2018

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ambulance chaser

A lawyer who specializes in injury cases. Called an ambulance chaser beacuse that's how they find there clients.

No one takes his lawyer seriously. He's just an ambulance chaser.

by Anonymous September 22, 2003

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