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William Harvey

spanish teacher, mob boss, dancer, singer, comedian

William Harvey harassed them

by Billiam Harvey November 3, 2021

Mick Harvey

Nixa's babysitter. The best British grandma ever, even tho he's not British. The human embodiment of an Android phone. Underrated but ahead of everyone else. The only reason why the Bad Seeds music is good, according to some. Has a big obsession with cats of every colour and size. Very dedicated to his cat Misha.

Person A: Why did you save a picture with some guy's toes and a cat in it?
Person B: That's Mick Harvey from the Birthday Party and the Bad Seeds and his cat Misha.
Person A: That does not answer my question.

by purrrrrrrrr September 10, 2022

Harvey Spink

Loves fury porn and and can't stop himself from giving people's dogs hand jobs...

Harvey spink gave my dog a hand job and made it cum evary were.

by Harvey Spink September 24, 2018

Harvey Klowss

A sexy cunt who is good for sex.

Harvey Klowss was the best in bed ever!

by Me1234211 June 9, 2022

Harvey Sontae-Nickleson

To mums and dads a baby snatcher

Yo Harvey Sontae-Nickleson I heard mum 1 got mad std init lol when mum 2 was wall-banging her init

by Cueff dig 123 April 6, 2019

Jake Harvey

He loves Alexis Britton soo much and he is sexy shmexy mmm.

Jake Harvey: I’m so in love with my beautiful girlfriend 😍

by weeniemanloverboy March 9, 2021

Jake Harvey

Jake Harvey is an EXTREMELY hot guy but will fuck you over in an instant!! Jake does not know how to be honest to save his life. Jakes will make you fall in love and do anything to get what he wants. You have to be very careful around a Jake they are very very dangerous.... Don’t LET THE LOOKS FOOL YOU!!

Girl: “oh my god it’s jake Harvey he is so hot but how does his girlfriend not care he’s fucking with every other girl”

Boy: “bro jake just robbed me of 200$”

Jakes Gf: “yeah jake fucks other girls but he’s so hot and I can’t give that up.”

Jake: “no don’t worry I don’t have a girlfriend just get high then you will wanna fuck Me”

by LISSSS December 23, 2019