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Everyone gettin mixed up when people sayin sho its more simple than sayin fo-sho

Homie- say bro im gone go to my crib

You- sho stay up bruh

by SouthTX April 6, 2020


a SHo or S.Ho is a Side Ho. it's the girl that's left behind, unacknowledged when a guy thinks he's man enough to manage multiple women at a time.

there isn't a warning when a SHo is about to lose her mind. dude wakes up to his furniture shredded open with stuffing hanging out, front door with the glass busted in, bitchboy torched into his front lawn and his poor Hummer H3 painted Barbie Doll pink.

Dude felt like the man when he showed up at the party knowing his girlfriend was their and his two new SHos as well. No such thing as a sure thing, but a side ho in the hand was worth two in the bush, right?

by purlypink April 13, 2022


so with a lithsp

"thatths sho crasthy"

by shartnugget November 9, 2021


It mean in guatemala(shut the fuck up) o en español callaté el hocico.

Va sho pues mierda andaté a las verga

by If you read this you are a put June 7, 2022


shut up

yeah yeah sho

by October 9, 2020


a person thats really innocent and haven't done anything bad, he did not post cp!

sho is sho

by VxIsAMadWoman August 20, 2022


Some math dude that likes trash

Dude, pass the Sho.

by Nekyboi March 17, 2018