Source Code

Face The Wall

You have earned execution by firing squad as a result of being a degenerate no one wants to be around.

"All I'm saying is the truth, women are in their prime at 12 years old and they're unfuckable old hags by the time-"

"How compelling! We don't need to hear any more of your degeneracy. Please face the wall."

by the sexy retard B) May 12, 2023

75πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A wall-stache is a mustache that either suddenly appears on one's wall or grows over a period of time. Wall-stache's are known to come in varying colors, shapes, and sizes, but the most common colors are brown and black.

Anyone who's wall is unable to grow a stache can obtain one simply by purchasing a fake mustache from a joke shop or costume bazaar. (caution, this fake stache on the wall will result in your wall losing any self respect and/or masculinity)

Me: Ah!, I've noticed that your wall has grown a handle-bar mustache.

Person who's abode I have entered: Yes, this is a rare Wall-Stache, they usually grow in stache colors of black and brown; not in the peppery tone mine has

Me: This is quite a feat your wall has accomplished.

by Sergeant Man-face Tinkleton August 5, 2009

26πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

demising wall

A wall used jointly by two parties under easement agreement, erected upon a line dividing two parcels of land, each of which is a separate real estate entity; a common wall.

The tenants of 4A and 4B put up a demising wall to divide their previously contiguous apartment.

by legalmaven October 26, 2006

99πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


nickname for hockey goaltender Ryan Miller

did you watch "THE HUMAN WALL" shut down the canadian hockey team last night?

by tekonsha1 February 28, 2010

39πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Brick Wall

1. When your trying to make conversation with a girl/guy you met recently, either A.) online B.) via text message or C.) in person, and she/he responds to any of your questions with blank stares, one letter text messages using the words; oh, cool, or nice. or nothing at all until you have to try an change the subject because the situation has gotten awkward.

1.) Ron: so do you have any brothers or sister?

Emily: Yes
~4 minute delay~
Ron: Are you the oldest?
Emily: No
~2 Minute delay~
Ron: So how was your day?
~2 Minute pause
Emily: Ok

"Man Its like i'm talking to a freaking brick wall!"

by polarisboy385 July 7, 2009

62πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

ego wall

A wall, usually in a professional's office, covered with an inordinate number of framed diplomas, certificates, and other tokens of academic achievement. The sheer number of items implicitly speaks to the superior skill or intelligence of the professional who earned them. This outward display mirrors and reinforces the professional’s perception of self, or ego.

The lawyer's clients more easily parted with their money upon seeing the ego wall in his office.

by Mr. Mule October 23, 2006

250πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž


Wall-mounted; getting so fucked up you become a vegetable.

"Get off the wall jack you Wall-mounted fuck"

by Phonik March 25, 2016

10πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž