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egg mcstuffins

When you keep jamming shit into an object and it reaches max capacity.

Yo you see that trash barrel that thing is egg mcstuffins.

by Cuck Fin March 22, 2016

hunting for eggs

a) A children's Easter pastime, or:
b) Looking for females to screw.

Son: "Mum, I'm going hunting for eggs."
Mother: "That's alright, just don't get dirty."
Son: "..."

by zomgmouse April 2, 2010

Dean of EGGS

A former teacher who rises to a higher rank thus causing an insatiable appetite for giving her partner head.

Annies now Dean of eggs. Her boyfriend better watch out, he's gonna get his knob sucked off!!

by Scroody October 24, 2018

Egg and mash

A term meaning prostitution, mostly an Irish slang.

She made 200 euro on the egg and mash last night.

by PokemonGirl April 24, 2010

cool egg

Another word for college. Mainly used for memes or if you have some sort of speech impediment. Also, if you are graduating from high school to cool egg, good job.

"I have cool egg tomorrow"
"You mean college?"
"Yeah sure."

by Nebscicle May 18, 2016

gooky egg

The stereotypical asian who is good at maths and computers.

He is such a gooky egg.

by unskinny-bob February 5, 2021

Sour Egg

A bitter office co-worker who, no matter what, makes the time to find some menial mistake in your grammar, punctuation or spelling regardless of the overall quality of the piece of work.

Co-worker - ‘I have reviewed the report you asked me to and I noticed you’ve used your semi colon incorrectly on page 35, paragraph 4.’
You - ‘Thanks for the feedback. I’ll take that into account when I issue the final draft/no I fucking won’t you sour egg!’

by Policy Dickhead April 18, 2019