Its like a snow bunny. Only more slutty and more disappointing.
Help! Im being attacked by a whored of forrest truffles!
Rooting around in one's anus for a tasty treat.
There she is again! I heard she's a truffle muncher!
A specialized form of truffle eroticism, or to actively engage in oral sex by using the tongue, mouth, or lips to stimulate a fungi’s or fungal’s naughty bits.
Peppa, can you vigour my vim with a suck and a rim? Give Daddy a treat—his favourite little truffle pyg. Oink.
If you thought "Ur granny tranny" was devastating? Now get ready for... "ur momma truffle, lol"!
Bobby: Ur gay lol.
Dave: No u.
Bobby: *dies*
Dave: And ur momma truffle.
Bobby: *Dubbledies*
When you squeeze truffle butter the oil that comes out is truffle oil
See also truffle butter so you can see what truffle oil is
Left over feces in the ass split of a large man or woman.
Truffle clouds can make you sick if you eat too many of them.
When you fuck a girls ass and then put it in her pussy you get a brown like substance formed on your penis. You then get your penis and smear that liquid (truffle butter) over her lips like a dirty sanchez
Derik: baby let's make some truffle butter
Baby: only if u smear it all over my lips
Derik: dam baby you want me to give a truffle hog