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wes mcerlane

wes mcerlane is a high school kid at elder high school who supposedly is going D1 and is the #1 tight end in the league for junior varsity football. wes mcerlane is the biggest pimp and can pull any girl he wants.

i always wished i was like wes mcerlane

by pogs yk yk September 23, 2021

We are the rangers

A phrase used by parks Victoria rangers, specifically rangers that inhabit the Wilson’s promontory grounds.

The rangers entered the cabin to find a lonely girl on the couch, they kindly introduced themselves by saying “we are the rangers

by Joliehhh February 18, 2020

We ridin

Someone that's like your "fam" or family that's going to go do hoodrat shit with you.

"I was about to go do this shit alone but FAM said we ridin."

by Heather O. Sandidge February 20, 2015

We Are Orphans

A Name for people who like having dead parents and are gay.

Hah! His name is We Are Orphans he must be gay and has no parents!

by ERIC_LX April 3, 2021

We are in hell

School is hell and the teachers look like ugly aliens

We are in hell HELP

by Fax lol October 30, 2019

we boogie with it

fuck it we ball

Dude your car is wrecked!” “we boogie with it”

by Toafuls July 14, 2023

We the Purple

A phrase that has evolved in the present day lexicon, a reference to the first three words of the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution and the blending of red and blue, that reflects the mass defection of disillusioned Republicans from their damaged party, thanks to their current front front-running indicted candidate, the notorious and disgraced 45.

We are watching a stampede of elephants who are increasingly incredulous and mortified refer to themselves as ‘We the Purple’ in an effort to differentiate themselves from the elected cowards who have so far been entirely unwilling to cut his sorry ass loose.

by Dr Bunnygirl June 14, 2023