The only thing more lit than Jacky Wang's lifestyle, is his opponents, after he resolves a Scapeshift. Lover of craft beers, Wu-Tang Clan and of course, gas money. The Founder and CEO of Jaay Way Financial LLC, Jacky Wang, started the company with his earnings off of hustling pop tarts; it's truly just another example that there are people "living the dream."
"I can't find the Internet on this phone"
- Jacky Wang
"I make the monies, I give the monies."
- Jacky Wang
An asian kid who likes to draw mildly disturbing comics and play Dungeon and Dragons ripoffs, in between playing the violin for hours on end.
You are at Brandon Wang's house playing "Dungeons and Brandons" when you notice Brandon is drawing comics of people's heads exploding on a spare sheet of paper
When you can see the outline of a dude's penis through his pants; the male equivalent of a nip-slip
Did you see Jon Hamm's wang hang pics?
Yeah, he's definitely a shower.
breath that taste's and smells like a penis, even though it is not a penis
"did you smell venus's wang breath this morning?"
While we're out we need to pick up some more wang wrappers.
A penis thats curved from masterbating too much
Tommy, i bet you have a Booma-wang from all that time you spend jacking off.