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What urban dictionary told me to type when I make a new definition

Billay jeeeen: omg that word is so cool
Charlie: how is that word cool

by Y33E33EEEET July 7, 2018


(1): A single distinct meaningful element of speech or writing, used with others (or sometimes alone) to form a sentence and typically shown with a space on either side when written or printed.
(2): a command, password, or signal.
(3): choose and use particular words in order to say or write (something).

(1): "I don't like the word “unofficial
(2): "Someone gave me the word to start playing"
(3): "he words his request in a particularly ironic way"

by tsaiv30 April 13, 2023



This is a word

by hayntheegg May 27, 2023


The word word is an example of a word.

I like words.

by I am Veronica64.46 October 23, 2017


A word is a word. A word is a word is 5 words (Excluding is)

"What Word is this?"


by Birthday Boo June 3, 2020


letters cramped together to describe something

what word did you use?

by herbert the duck March 18, 2022


Type your definition here...

Type an example of how the word is used in a sentence...

by bluuskkye77 September 23, 2018