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arma player

1. Any person(s) who have the abaility to adapt nearly instantly to video games, usually of complicated design.

2. Someone who will attempt to act out a combat scenario at a lazer tag event. (Because they can't afford airsoft)

ArmA (Armed Assault) is a combat simulator developed by Bohemia Interactive. ArmA is know for it's extremely large control scheme and steep learning curve.

1. Man this dude's already pretty good. Must be an Arma player.
2. Jesus, yesterday I encountered an Arma player at the Lazer tag arena.

by Code_Maker February 12, 2018

Dirty Player

An unsportsmanlike player in a sport that often cheats to win or receive a penalty whenever the umpire or refereeโ€™s back is turned. Tactics what dirty players use to put down opposition players can range from swearing and abusing the ref if they see the issue to king hitting, kicking, stomping, spitting, slapping and punching. Dirty players rarely show true sportsmanship behaviour and their grubby tactics can often go unnoticed until another player or the ref looks.

Kevin Muscat is a former football player for Crystal Palace and Millwall who stomped on Danny Webber and elbowed Michael Boulding - he is a dirty player

by Crowsfan91 December 24, 2018

Cracker Player

A white girl who can get anything she wants but won't commit to anything.

Stop lying , you cracker player!

by sixty six and no more March 3, 2021

Fortnite player

High octane, adrenaline craving, vile abominations of 8 year olds that have severe autism, all jacked up on mountain dew that have been baptized in monster energy, that will stop at nothing to 360 noscope you and floss dance on your corpse.

I spotted a Fortnite player at the local Wal Mart, boasting about his latest drum gun rampage and showing his default dance skills.

by Domino's Robust Tomato Sauce May 18, 2019

14๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

kings players

a group of snobby guys that think theyโ€™re so cool because they play hockey and act all cool because they wear that shit green hoodie everyday to school with that attitude that they can get any girl they want.

eek thereโ€™s the kings players wearing the white vans and green hoodie again today ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

by selenagomezlover126 May 9, 2018

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

tambourine player

Another word for a gay person. it was first used in the tyler perry play "Meet the browns"

That dude acting like a chick is a tambourine player.

by Johnathaniel April 24, 2007

84๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

player hatress

a player hatress as a female player hater cockblocker grenade

a guy and a girl is in a room and the player hatress stands in between you two.

by Clinton Ziza Smith May 21, 2006

64๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž