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Used to be a Pornhub category for transWOMEN, obviously something wrong with that. but now people are using it to describe feminine boys?

Person A: I'm a femboy!
Person B: You shouldn't use that term because it was used to invalidate trans women by calling them boys.
Person A: im gonna continue to use it even tho it's harmful.

by LikesCake September 21, 2022

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A femboy is a young person who identifies as male but expresses their gender in a feminine way. This can include wearing feminine clothing, makeup, and hairstyles. Femboy is a relatively new term, and there is no one definition that everyone agrees on. However, it is generally understood to refer to someone who is gender-nonconforming and presents in a way that is typically associated with femininity.

Femboys may be attracted to men, women, or both. They may also identify as gay, straight, bisexual, or pansexual. There is no one way to be a femboy, and everyone's experience is different.

Femboys have a lot in common with Furries, as for most the fetish part of the community is terrible and quite large, and while Femboys may sound cute remember that a good chunk of the community is fetish/pedophillia which is extremely bad, its noted that only adults and young adults should be the only demographic, while that is not true and many children are in that community and get groomed by pedophiles which is a small amount of the community children may still be traumatised by the amount of pornography inside of the community, i would like to keep this unbiased however in my opinion i feel that children should not be in the community because of the amount of pornography, they also like to wear “maid dresses”.

The Femboy was taking nude shots of their-self in the bathroom

by your local furry hater September 1, 2023

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A femboy is a boy who wears girly clothing and who for some reason 99% of them drink monster energy.

person one: ''youre such a femboy''
person two *sips monster whilst in a skirt and thigh highs* ''yes i am''

by elliottxo June 9, 2024


As one myself, I know what I'm talking about

Basically a band kid (see my definition on that) but with the addition of thigh highs, an anime inspired girl outfit, a mask, and maybe cat ears. Most of us are pretty chill, a lot of us (including myself) are out of our FUCKING MINDS, and some are fucking fascists (we don't like them, FUCK OFF if you're one)(YEAH ETHAN ESPECIALLY YOU, KYS)

We used to be considered fucking cringe (we are) but recently we've been overhyped. Honestly we're overrated as fuck. We're literally just emo band kids who shitpost 24/7

See that fucking retard over there named Crystal Fraggs, he's a femboy, I hope he chokes on his paint fumes.

by CRYSTAL_FRAGGS November 5, 2021


A gay man who likes Cinnamoroll

Damn, look at that Femboy over there with his cinnamoroll phone charm :/

by FoxPawsz July 15, 2024


A man who dresses as a woman for fetish, however, he does not identify as a woman.


by Oceantily May 3, 2024


A feminine male

Cole woodward is a femboy

by Chrigg February 5, 2024