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nation ford

The overprotecting principals and teachers at this very school do not know what is really going on at their beloved school. The underground of Cannabis is reforming in this very school! Stop being so harsh on personal displays of affections and GET TO IT! (this means go get a Vault out of one of the drink machines out in the courtyard.)

Man those mother fucking teachers don't know what is really happening under their noses at Nation Ford, do they?
Nope, dumb asses don't even know they are in the middle of the biggest drug dealing of history, and it's happening here, at Nation Ford!

by Chyeayaya! April 7, 2008

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Colin Ford

1. A young actor who has starred in a wide variety of roles, but is currently best-known for playing a young Sam Winchester on the CW show Supernatural. Famous for looking like an exact younger replica of Jared Padalecki, who plays the adult Sam Winchester, especially for being able to mimic Sam's iconic "bitchface".

2. A slang term instituted by fangirls of Supernatural, usually Wincest fans, when a person says something of a slightly pedophilic nature, such as checking out someone underage. This almost exclusively applies to situations in which this action is accidental, when the person's minority is unknown.

1. Alex: Who played little Sammy on Supernatural? He was awesome!

Corri: Colin Ford! Wasn't he cute??
Alex: Yeah! He looked just like Jared!!
Corri: Bitchface!!

2. Alex: omg, that girl...she's freaking hot...
Corri: DUDE! Colin Ford!! She's 14!!

Alex: ..... *shame*

by lotsayaoi July 12, 2009

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sophia forde

she is amazing and will steal all your money :) she doesnt think she is pretty but she is gorgeous

sophia forde stole my money

by steve ;) November 11, 2020

Ford Simp

Someone who experiences attraction to a car by the company Ford. This is extremely rare and often looked down upon.
Can also mean someone who simps for the fictional character Stanford 'Ford' Pines, from the show Gravity Falls created by Alex Hirsch

He realized that he was infact a Ford Simp. This realization was devastating, as he was afraid people would judge him for being a Ford Simp.

by Space Saturn Bitch August 10, 2021

holden ford

The protagonist of Mindhunter. Heโ€™s an adorable fuck up. Donโ€™t hate him, heโ€™s trying his best.

โ€œHolden Ford is such a pure beanโ€

by EmotakuBroadwayTrash July 9, 2020

A Model Ford

A car built from 1928-31. Available in many body types. Once the car of the masses, now only owned by the Super Cool people. The A Model has been improved by many people over the years, but there is none better than that of the Aussie Hot Rodder, as witnessed at Gulgong 2018. Flat black with orange wire wheels is considered the best colour combination.

You better be going to Gulgong 2020 for the biggest and best gathering of the A Model Ford in Australia. The coolest cars and the nicest people at the biggest A Model event in Oz! BYO Esky and snow gear.

by Hot-Rod February 13, 2019

Daniel Ford

At 18 year old boy with long hair, who usually has his hood up to cover his baldness at the back of his head. He is attracted to girls with the name starting with I. Most Daniel Fords like to live in Caravans which people mistake for him being a gypsy. He is a nice lad, with a sweet heart and sweaty toe nails. He likes being in bands playing the trumpet with his mouth.
Most Daniel Ford's like to go swimming with their amazingly attractive college friends; Daniel Ford can sometimes get jealous of how good looking his friends are.

This is right, issssss ittttt? Am I rite?


Daniel Ford likes going to bed

Daniel Ford is in a band

Lets all be like Daniel Ford

Daniel Ford says is it?

Daniel Ford says Am I rite?

Daniel Ford Cya

by Joshua Waldron February 3, 2014