Animals don't have bombs, guns, knives, or shrapnel, the reason they don't have that stuff is because they don't intend to hurt, that is the difference between aggression and intent to hurt.
Aggressive is what animals do to each other, intent to hurt with guns, knives, bombs, and other weapons is what humans do to each other, because humans are really serial killers by nature, without exception to any shade of skin, sex, sexual reference, or disposition.
when a woman puts her mouth on a man's cock and thrusts repeatedly
God my aggressive-penial-thrusts i used last night might of killed that whore.
Posting on an ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend's Facebook page, photo's or pictures, even though you aren't speaking to one another.
I can't believe Amy just posted "cute pic" on Tom's photo when she won't even return his phone calls. That is so postive aggressive.
When your ex writes on your Facebook page, or posts on your Facebook photos and posts, even though they aren't speaking to you.
I can't believe amy wrote "cute pic, Mr. Cuddly Cat is sooooo adorable" on Jason's Facebook profile pic! She won't even return his calls - and she's cheating on him!! She is so Postive Aggressive!!
Aggressive renjun is smcockroach’s best friend smcockroach still doesn’t know why she still talks to her weird ass but- aggressive renjun is a girl who HATES bugs has no experience in killing them she also likes the movie coraline and watched it when she was 6.
Hey did you know that aggressive renjun was smcockroach’s best friend
A way to describe a fast-declining mental/emotional state, often leading to short-term feelings of anxiety or passive aggressive moodiness and behavior towards a friend or family member when realizing possible exposure to or symptoms of Covid-19.
Oh man, you wouldn’t believe the spiral aggression i’ve been feeling ever since my wife found out that my cousin that I invited over last minute for sunday night football just tested positive for Covid.
Dude, Covid stress is unlike anything else. It’s a different animal entirely, Spiral Aggression at its finest.
Have you witnessed Amy’s spiral aggression since her weed dealer tested positive? She hasn’t left her room in days, only to smoke her weed.
The action or gesture of a person using bunny ears in an aggressive manor to imply that they disagree.
OJ Simpson *aggressive bunny ears* 'didn't' kill his wife...