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An Overly handsome man with the drive of no other. Can Pull women of all ages with his professional sleek appearance, and confidence out of this world. Is stubbornly linked to his ideologies and refuses to budge whenever an issue involves what they believe or a matter of principle. You can never win an argument with an Andre, he's always right! However Very sexy still!

Who's that Remarkably Sexy man that demands my attention?
Oh That's Andre-

by The PW February 6, 2013

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Andre Caballero

a sexy white boy named Andre also goes by Dre And is Friends with a group of boys named 4k1k That does YouTube, Tiktoks, And is famous from making cool Instagram dance videos

Person: Hey! have you heard of Andre Caballero?

Other person: Yeah! I heard her gets all the girls and he’s fine Asf

by 4k1k Definitions July 23, 2019

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Andres Martin

Andres Martin's are typically huge fags. They are the worst type of people to exist since the typical gay guy. Nobody likes anyone named Andres or Martin. They just suck.

See that guy in the closet? That is Andres Martin

by Andrea Martin H8er July 12, 2019

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erik andre

You can find an Erik Andre usually at his hybel. Probably bored. But if you send nudes to an Erik Andre he will connect to you automatically.

He usually goes around in jeans and a hoodie with cool ass POLO shoes, with girls all around him.

An Erik Andre is a term of sexyness. Once you get to know an Erik Andre you will probably meet your soulmate. Who will cheer your day up all the time. If an Erik Andre cant fix it nobody can.

Oh is that my soulmate? No its just Erik Andre

by ErikAndreuspontiatius May 10, 2015

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Matthew Andres

A sweet and strange that always has something new to bring to the table. Probably into theater.
Likes to send a lot of mixed signals of self confidence, such as calling themselves β€˜sexy’ to a β€˜rat.’ People named Matthew Andres are astronomical people to know, so never let them go. :)

Person one: Who is that boy?
Person two: That’s Matthew Andres. Always gets the lead role in the musicals.

by BurgerKingEnthusiast June 7, 2021

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An amazing person a royal price an amazing personality
All around an amazing person

Oscar-Andre is Amazing

by bin osama April 20, 2022

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Andre Bravo

A description of a Colombian guy who thinks he can sweet talk his way out of anything. He thinks he’s smarter than everyone and will flirt with anything that moves to fulfill his selfish, narcissistic needs. He uses his Latin roots as an excuse for his flirting and secret phone calls with his β€˜family’.

Look at him using his salsa moves to get attention, that’s such an Andre Bravo

by @mko April 9, 2019

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